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Organic Coffee: Does It Taste Any Better?  

Does organic coffee really taste better or is it all just hype?

Traditional coffee like Folders and the popular Spanish brand Nescafe have maintained that familiar, consistent great taste over the years. Despite pesticides and fertilizers harvested in the large, commercial coffee plantations they grow on, it manages to suit an average person's tastes as evident by its sales. In justifying the high prices for organic coffee, many people point to its tastes as one of the main reasons. Does organic coffee taste better tha
traditional coffee?

To begin, organic coffee tastes better than traditional coffee because of the growing methods farmers use. Factors that weigh heavily with improved taste include shade grown and organic farming methods that are in force today that promote healthier soil, clean water, and habitats for birds that provide pest control. As an added bonus, organic coffee receives a taste boost if it is high-grown. Organic coffee under shade trees are the definition of 'premium' in that fewer coffee cherries are produces unlike traditional coffee that grow under the sun. Because of this, organic coffee cherries grow slower and finer, and the difference is passed on to your I Love New York mug.

Another reason why organic coffee tastes better is because of the incentives farmers receive for producing it. With an average of 15 cents more per pound, producers are more inclined to keep their trees in top shape and harvest them better. Organic coffee producers also place a higher emphasis on harvesting, many of which is done by hand to assure the best beans are processed. This is a must, considering coffee trees have cherries going through different development cycles. The harvesting process also separates regular beans from the finer ones. All in all, because of the more intricate care placed with growing organic coffee, taste is improved tenfold.

For more information on organic coffee or for organic coffee recipes

About the Author Scott Wilson has been a importer and roaster of organic coffee for over a decade.

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