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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 7 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2552

Living In The Moment  

We only have this moment live it fully for it is a miracle.

Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could.

Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in;

forget them as soon as you can.

Tomorrow is a new day;

begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit

to be encumbered with your old nonsense.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson-

Time never stops to rest, never hesitates, never looks forward or backward.

Life's raw material sp
nds itself now, this moment, which is why how you spend your time is far more important than all the material possessions you may own or positions you may attain.

-Denis Waitley-

Love the moment and the energy of that moment will spread

beyond all boundaries.

-Corita Kent-

The timeless in you is aware of life's timelessness;

and knows that yesterday is but today's memory

and tomorrow is today's dream.

-Kahlil Gibran-

As we set our clocks back and hour we see that time is not real. We only have the eternal moment. So we need to bless and cherish that moment. Each moment is a miracle. To be present in it is a gift from God. That is why it is called the present. smile.

Many of us dwell in the future and in the past. We miss the only moment that is important when we do that, the eternal now. This is the only moment that exists. It is impossible to live in the future and in the past and recognize what is happening in the moment. When we immerse ourselves in the livingness of the now.

When we are doing something that we love we are not aware of time. When I garden I can spend several hours in the yard and not even feel tired. Suddenly I will realize that I have not rested or ate I was so interested in what I was doing. I am that way about writing. I began to research and write and hours pass, even days and I do not feel weary. I am so excited about what I am learning and sharing it that my every thought is in the moment.

In order to feel more at home in the present moment, it is important to try to stay in that moment. Often when someone is talking to us we are thinking about what we want to say or what they are going to say next. That is not showing respect for ourselves or the other person. Focus on what others have to say giving your attention is an act of love for you and the other person.

This may seem like an overwhelming task when we first practice it being in the moment. For we want to judge what is happening, intuit the other persons or our next move, fill in the silences. Being ever present may seem like work at first but as we practice it becomes more and more familiar and comfortable. Becoming a part of what you are doing so there is no separateness is truly being in the moment. It is a giving of love, that flows back to you from the work of the moment. Each person, each task deserves your undivided attention. This is then the love that you are giving and it cannot help but flow back to you. Anything that is loved grows.

What does creative activity mean to you? Creative activity may mean writing poetry, cooking a good meal, quilting, reading a good book or even resting. Creative activity whatever it is walking in nature, bird watching, immerses one in the here and now. At the same time it frees us. We learn who we are in the very act of letting go of who we think we are at any given moment. Spirituality and creativity are related. The creative power comes from our higher self and when we are creating we open the channel to Higher Power. We find ourselves and our Higher Power when we forget everything and live in the moment. Creating and giving value to each moment helps us do that. This moment will never come again so enjoy it for the miracle that it is. Today I will get out of the way of my creativity.

Further reading:

You May Lose Your Balance, but You Can Fall into Grace: Finding Spiritual Renewal in Life's Quirky Moments by Angela Payne

Simple Zen: A Guide to Living Moment by Moment (Paperback)

by C. Alexander, Ph.D. Simpkins (Author), Annellen M., Ph.D. Simpkins

Peaceful Warrior

Director: Victor Salva Cast: Scott Mechlowicz, Nick Nolte, Amy Smart, Tim DeKay DVD

Living the Moment

A Sacred Journey

by Lance H. K. Secretan

About the Author

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