Take Action And Stop Getting Pushed Around In Life
Self-confidence comes from not only doing what is right but also knowing the power within you that can make you happy and fulfilled. The power of thought and the power of your mind is your ally for success in life.
We all have tasted the bitterness of failures, but if we can learn from our failures, then we have in our hands, the seeds of success. Success and failure also teach you to evaluate the demands that are placed upon you. If you set your standards too high, you will find yourself in a difficult situatio
to meet those challenges that confront you. Failure then becomes inevitable when the gap is too wide between the goal you want to reach and that which you are capable of reaching. If you understand and accept your limits, then this situation is unlikely to come up.
Over-confidence is like a double-edged sword. It can work you your disadvantage. For instance, people who think they are infallible do not find it easy to learn from the mistakes they have made. If you think you are a hundred percent right all the time, chances are, you will lose out in the end. Obviously, if humans are free of self-doubt, we would not be able to develop. All of us have our shortcomings, many of which we don't even realise, and we should be able to rely on those around to point them out to us.
Every now and then, we have to deal with situations that we know needs to be addressed. In such circumstances, we need to express our wishes clearly and boldly. Have you ever tasted food that is so less than ideal, that you swallow but prefer to spit out? Or have you gotten a piece of clothing with faulty stitching or a toy with a missing part that needs to be exchanged? Perhaps you are too shy to demand that which is due to you or simply do not wish to throw up a fuss. Bad service, defective merchandise or poor food can become a measure of your self-confidence, but also of appropriate behaviour. For instance, it is not appropriate to shout at the waiter of a restaurant or the cashier of the store where you bought the defective clothing or toy.
You need to have a clear understanding of the situation. You need to lodge a complaint and have the fault rectified. Then come to the point politely but firmly. If the waiter or cashier does not show any understanding, ask to speak with the manager or the supervisor. More often than not, you will be accommodated if your demands are fair. If you remain calm, polite and firm, you will be successful most of the time.
Getting what is rightfully yours is good for your own self-confidence. In achieving this, you will find you can have a better outcome if you are truly convinced that your interest is just as important as those of others. For example, someone has taken your reserved seat on a plane or train. A polite but firm remark is often the best approach in dealing with a problem. You can politely ask the interloper to let you have your seat. If he refuses, then you must call the steward or conductor or any other official to ask for support. Just remember, you've paid good money for your seat.
Let's say you some out-of-town guests and decide to go to a popular restaurant but every single seat has been taken up. Are you prepared to stand around in front of all the other guests and wait for an empty table, or do you get nervous thing about these eyes looking at you? Insecurity and fear often prevents us from taking an opportunity that can open. Even if it is only to get a table in a restaurant. If you imagine yourself in a more positive manner, you will become more and more self-confident.
Older folks often lose the ability to learn new things or take advantage of what life has to offer. Many have an unhealthy fear of becoming frail or sick, or no longer see that there can be more than one way of getting a job done. They have self-negating thoughts like "I cannot do this anymore", or "I can no longer cope with this" and discouraged themselves. In the long run, they become self-fulfilling prophecies and rob the person of the courage to do things or learn new stuff.
The thoughts that we have in our mind, the power with which it brings forth is so great that they can trigger physical changes, such as premature ageing. It's a fact that those who believe that they have past their prime and are of not much use are certain to age faster than people who refuse to admit defeat. People who believe of their own stupidity in childhood will never be among the smart ones in adulthood. There are techniques that can help a less than average students with their study skills, learning abilities and accelerated learning. Even adults who are swarmed with information can learn memory improvement techniques to help them cope. Older people can play memory games to keep their mind sharp or use memory training to stave off dementia or Alzheimer's disease. Everyone can improve their memory to give them a higher sense of self-worth.
Our brain is the most wondrous God-given creation and within each of us lies the Empires of our own making, in our minds. It is what we put into our minds that govern our outcomes in life. In life we need to ask good empowering questions, not poor self-defeating ones. For example, instead of asking yourself, "Why am I so stupid?". Your mind will come with an answer like "You're stupid because you never paid attention in class" or "You're stupid because you hang out with stupid friends.". But if you ask yourself an empowering question like "What can I learn from this situation so that I never make this mistake again", your mind will come up with good empowering answers. With the right thought, self-honesty and discipline, all of us can make a life worth living, rich in our own human experiential learning and growth.About the Author
Martin Mak has developed a new program to help people enhance their memory and learning experience. Find out how with his free and popular ecourse at
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