Complete Information on Byssinosis
Byssinosis can be prevented by using exhaust hoods and cheek masks, improving ventilation during manufacturing activities.
Byssinosis, also called brown lung. Byssinosis is a form of reactive airway disease. Byssinosis is a disease of the lungs caused by breathing in cotton dust or dusts from other vegetable fibers such as flax, hemp, or sisal while at work. It commonly occurs in workers who are employed in yarn and fabric manufacture industries. Brown lung can ultimately result in narrowing of the trachea in the lungs. Th
s disease often occurred in the times of the industrial revolution. Most commonly young girls working in mills or other textile factories would be afflicted with this disease. Long-term exposure to cotton, flax, hemp, or jute fibers.
Dusts may cause permanent scarring of the lungs and airways, leading to debilitating lung diseases. Smoking increases the risk for this disease. Symptoms of byssinosis, are chest tightness and dyspnea that lessen with repeated exposure. Symptoms develop on the 1st day of work after a weekend or vacation and diminish or disappear by the end of the week. Signs of acute exposure are tachypnea and wheezing. Patients with more chronic exposure may have crackles. Chronic bronchitis symptoms are common among those exposed to cotton dust.Treatment includes avoidance or reduction of exposure and use of asthma drugs.
Controlling dust is the best way to prevent byssinosis. Workers with symptoms who also experience sudden drops in lung function on the first day of the workweek should be removed from exposure. Wheezing and chest tightness can be treated with the drugs used for asthma. Medications such as bronchodilators will usually improve symptoms. Corticosteroids may be prescribed in more severe cases. Antihistamines may be prescribed to reverse airway narrowing caused by byssinosis. It is also common to use ronchodilators to help improve air flow into and out of the lungs. Stopping smoking is very important for people with this condition.
Home oxygen therapy may too be needed if blood oxygen levels are reduced. Nebulizers and postural drainage, may be prescribed if the circumstance becomes chronic. Physical drill programs, breathing exercises, and diligent training programs are frequently really useful for folk with a chronic lung disease. If blood oxygen levels are reduced, oxygen therapy may be prescribed.
About the Author Juliet Cohen writes articles for, and .
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