Understanding Self Identity - Social Aspects Of Your Individual Self
We all know the saying, 'man is a social animal;' which means man cannot live in isolation and needs the company of others to survive. For this reason, which has been researched and analyzed for years by scientists and sociologists studying the phenomenon of man in society, it is necessary to understand man's relationship with the world around him and how it shapes his self-identity.
Self-identity is nothing but man's view of who he is. It also incorporates what others in society think about man in general, whic
further either boosts his morale or diminishes his sense of the self; whatever the case, it is accepted that for complete development and well-being to exist for man as a constant, he must work towards gaining a healthy self esteem. For this, man needs to understand desirable attitudes, values and ideas and incorporate them in daily living in order to have the integrated approach living in a society asks for.
As social beings, we also need to know that different elements make up society apart from the individuals that live in it: but because of this factor alone, society can be threatened at times. This is when individuals look only upon themselves as the be all and end all of all social things and forget to live as a group or work for the good of all; this is called individualism and is what directs people to only look at personal gain instead of greater public good. This sense of growing individualism is responsible for many societies breaking up in the light of only personal interests shining through when its people focus only on personal needs and forget the good of others; e.g. taxpayers may be plenty and paying on time too, but lack of improvement in law and order situation or even civic amenities may make one think why their hard-earned money is not being put to good use, as was promised to them by the government.
At times, this failure of society to fulfill man's needs for living in a healthy, safe and happy environment may motivate him to behave in an undesirable manner; he may find others unsympathetic or uncaring of changing the equation and thus, fail to find worth in the world around him. These kind of situations affect man's sense of self-identity and his perception of what the society should be like as it opens his eyes to what it actually is like, which is disillusioning for him and can eventually stress him out.
The results of an unbalanced self-identity, for the above or other reasons, can range from negative aspects like anger, depression, increased anxiety levels, physical abuse inflicted on others, suicide or other such outcomes.
Therefore, it is important for individuals to realize their role in society, work to recognize their spark of divinity and make an effort to ignite it for their good as well as the greater good of all around him. This is the only way to develop an enthusiastic approach to dealing with the competitive world we live in and ensure healthy adjustment to and in society.
Abhishek is a Self-Improvement expert and he has got some great Self-Improvement Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 81 Pages Ebook, "Self Improvement Made Easy!" from his website http://www.Positive-You.com/775/index.htm . Only limited Free Copies available.
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