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วันจันทร์ที่ 16 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

Three Easy Alternatives To A Weight Loss Cure  

While the idea of a weight loss cure may seem amazing, the fact is most don't deliver. Here are a couple of easier methods for getting down to the weight you want.

You've probably seen dozens of late night advertisements on television promising the next weight loss cure. While those products may help by reducing the amount of cash you have available to pay for groceries, they are rarely a good choice if you're serious about dropping pounds. There are better and easier ways.

Make Favorite Foods Healthier
p>Think about your favorite food.  For some people, it might be a juicy cheeseburger covered in toppings and served with an order of greasy French fries. While the average weight loss cure will also require you to give up this tasty treat, you could find a way to enjoy it without feeling guilty and without derailing all of your hard work.

Instead of using ground beef, choosing the much leaner ground turkey. You can add plenty of tasty seasonings to the meat if you want to strength its flavor. Instead of high fat toppings, use a low-fat or soy cheese, reduced fat mayonnaise or fat-free mustard, plus lots of lettuce, tomatoes, and onions. Instead of French fries, have a small salad or baked potato wedges covered in seasoning.

Make Exercise a Bad Word

For some of us, just hearing the word exercise is enough to make us head for the couch and the television's remote control. But if you use a weight loss cure promising results, you'll also be instructed to add more exercise to your routine. However, there are ways to get more physical activity without having to utter that nasty eight-letter word.

First, change some habits. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Walk from the furthest parking space instead of the closest. Walk around while chatting on your cell phone instead of standing in place. Ride a bike or walk to the store instead of driving. Second, do some fun physical activities. Go swimming instead of running. Go dancing instead of attending an aerobic exercise class. Play basketball instead of going to the gym. That way you can never exercise again but dramatically increase your activity levels.

Make Weight Loss a Group Activity

When you see most of those weight loss cure commercials, you see just the person who dropped the weight. But most of us know losing pounds can never be a solitary activity. The problem with a supposed weight loss cure is that it acts as if it's going to be doing all of the hard work on our behalf. The truth is we still have to diet and exercise and that means we're still going to need a strong emotional support network, especially in our homes. No matter how much will power you have, it's going to impossible to eat healthy while the rest of your family indulges. That's why lifestyle changes need to be implemented across the board. Fixing healthier meals, reducing portions, getting more active as a family, and avoiding the so-called weight loss cure are all great ways to get those you love the most involved in your weight loss. And the best side effect is that you'll also be helping them to get healthy , too.

About the author

Are you considering trying a Weight Loss Cure? Do you want to know the truth about these easy answers to losing weight? If so, visit to learn more now.

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