Aromatherapy and the Power Of Scent
We all experience our world through our five senses. The sense of smell is the one with the most powerful affect upon our emotions.
The power of scent can create such a dynamic response within the individual. Such is my own Aromatherapy initiation back in my late teens when I visited a natural beauty therapist who used Aromatherapy skincare products. I can distinctly recall how deeply relaxed and calm I felt following the lavender facial steam. That experience has stayed with me long after days gone by.
t's familiarity stays indelibly highlighted as
'my first professional facial'
Of course there are certain scents that trigger not so pleasant memories. As an Aromatherapist, choosing oils for individuals is a combination of knowledge and intuition. I want the person to have a pleasant if not euphoric experience when they are enjoying a massage with aromatherapy oils. Choosing the oils therefore requires me to gather information on an energetic level. The individual may present with a physical complaint but more often than not this is simply masking stress which ultimately comes from emotional dysfunction. It's not what happens to you in life but how you react. The difference between understanding this and denying it is simply awareness.
I also utilise the use of body language, reflexology and the emotional connection related to specific meridians. The result of this analysis guides me to determine, therefore, whether the oils need to be physically stimulating, or more subtle and grounding in their effect. Otherwise a relaxing or rejuvenating blend to bring back balance and harmony is often the order of the day.
Combining intuitive wisdom with Aromatherapy therefore is very grounding creating outcome with purpose. The treatment can thereby be designed to continue at home using the required oils in the bath , diffuser or in a moisturiser etc. To create that subtle effect on the emotions the quality of the essential oil is paramount. An essential oil that is adulterated in any way will not give you the desired effect as the nature vibration of the oil has been distorted. I chose to distribute Essenza pura products knowing that not only have the oils been sourced from selected suppliers and rigorously tested but ultimately it is the discerning nose that does not compromise on the true power of scent!
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