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วันเสาร์ที่ 14 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

Suffering from Eczema and Medications Don\'t Help?  

There are a number of ways you can lessen the discomfort of Eczema, simply by avoiding the things that irritate it in the first place.

Treating eczema without medication can be a simple matter of making changes in your daily routine. You must become more conscientious about your skin to the point that it is a regular habit to take care of it. Doing so will prevent eczema from becoming out of control. Listed below are some examples of what you must do in order to care for your skin properly. At first this routine will seem like
a chore; however, once you begin putting it into practice, it will become second nature to you.

1) Moisturize! Moisturize! Moisturize! Begin every morning moisturizing with an unscented heavy duty moisturizer. CeraVe moisturizing cream is an excellent option, and it is available in both a lotion and a cream. The cream, however, is thicker and provides a nice barrier to the elements you expose your skin to. This is usually available at certain pharmacies and can always be Googled online to find a good supplier.

2) Did I mention moisturize? Continue the application of moisturizer as time allows throughout the day; especially when you wash your hands a lot, or if you begin itching. Additionally, you should remember that using only cool or lukewarm water to bathe with is best, as hot water will worsen your dryness and causes the eczema to flare up. Patting your skin dry and applying a very thick coat of lotion on your entire body; paying close attention to the areas which are most troublesome for you.

3) Let your skin breathe. Wear loose fitting clothing. You want to prevent your clothing from rubbing too tightly against your skin, as this will cause further irritation and discomfort. In addition, choose to wear cotton as much as possible, especially for undergarments. Cotton will absorb any perspiration against your skin; thus, reducing the amount of irritation your skin is exposed to. If you have no choice of clothing due to your work industry, change out of those items as soon as possible when you return home. For the ladies, panty hose can be extremely uncomfortable. Wear roomy slacks and knee-highs instead.

Have a good look at the kinds of soaps you use. The best thing is to select unscented products that are made especially for your sensitive skin. This includes products like the hand soap you use and the shower gel you bathe with. Look for natural ingredients and avoid any alcohol based products. Alcohol does have a drying effect.

5) Moisturize again before bed , and lay it on thick!

About the author is where you can find more tips on beating the discomfort of Eczema. My name is Josh Paul and can be reached at

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