Out Of Work Into Addiction
The economy stinks! No work, bills left unpaid, nothing to do, no reason to get up. So why not have a beer, stop into the pub, relax and let your worries drift away. Youre not hurting anyone.
You are the only person that can make a decision today to turn this around. Regardless of how you are finding a way out of coping with the struggle, take a hard look now. How often are you taking a rip, or a pull or a pill? Was this the same when you were working? Look around your space. Are you living the way you believe normal healthy peo
le live? Are your clothes clean, dishes done, bed made? Is your calendar full?
If you have answered no to any of these things, you are starting to fall away. This is the early moments of falling into a behavior pattern. Solution will continue to drift farther away as you let go of your personal standard of living. If you are one of the thousands who have been let go, do not allow that to be the excuse. Our country has entered into a time where by we must pull ourselves up. There are solutions, but first you must help your emotional self and that will only happen with taking action.
First and foremost, gather people around you who are emotionally fit. This means they see the positive. They make sure that their standard of living is maintained. They have a healthy structure to their day. They set and achieve daily goals. They communicate with other people in person, face to face. Physically, they move, they get up and get going. Pushing themselves to do what they set out to do.
Success leaves clues. Look around you and see someone who is successful in your eyes. Look at them closely! Observe every nuance including speech, who they associate with, what they read, what they do with their time. You will see that they take an attitude of one door closes another will open. They are in control of who they are and do not have their identity confused with what they do for a living. You are not your job, you are you.
It is time to start living again. Unload all the negative people in your life. Start your day with a positive spin, and keep it going all day long. This is hard. But I know you can do it.
About the Author:
Coach Chez is a recovery coach, helping individuals make lasting change in behavior and emotions. Motivate 4 Success helps individuals find ways to deal with addictive behavior. Call today for a free discovery session and decide that change is a must.
(949) 375-2676, Motivate 4 Success
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