Changing Beliefs With Emotional Freedom Technique (eft)
EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique and it's an energy-based therapy that focuses on the energy meridians (or energy channels) of the body. In some ways it's similar to acupuncture but without the needles. It was developed by Gary Craig from the discoveries of Dr. Roger Callahan and is a simple technique that often provides rapid relief from physical-emotional issues such as trauma, phobias, grief, anger, guilt, anxiety, addictive cravings, fears, pain, depression, headaches and much, much more. It consists of tapping lightly
n a set of meridian points while focusing on an issue or emotion.
At the core of EFT is the belief that the cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system. Gary Craig calls this principle the 'discovery statement' and it underpins all of EFT. Through tapping on a set of the body's energy meridian points, while focusing on the negative emotion or issue you wish to clear, EFT can restore the body's energy balance which results in a clearing of the negative emotions (and relieving any physical symptoms associated with it).
When I first heard of EFT I thought it was only used to clear physical ailments that had an emotional component, and since I didn't have any ailments at that time, I didn't pay too much attention. Then, when I was reintroduced to EFT last year (through a little exercise called Tap O the Morning that you can try for yourself at the end of this article), I felt my energy shift from 'ho hum' to absolutely buzzing in the space of 1 or 2 minutes. That got my attention!
Totally intrigued, I started madly researching everything I could find on EFT. I learnt how, in addition to providing relief for physical-emotional issues, it could be used to enhance emotional wellbeing, change limiting beliefs and install new empowering ones, and how it could even help to bring to the surface those subconscious beliefs you didn't even realise you had. Because EFT works at the energy level I realised I could use it to quickly and easily change my vibration in any moment.
Since I knew the Law of Attraction responds, not to my thoughts, but my vibration, I became excited at the potential it had to enhance my law of attraction efforts.
I have used EFT to shift stubborn negative emotions and been surprised at how quickly it can do so. What used to be 'blue' days can now be 'blue' minutes using EFT and tapping to clear each layer of emotion as it arises, then tapping in more positive emotions to finish.
I have also used EFT to clear some limiting beliefs around money that I recognised were sabotaging my attraction efforts and also to 'tap in' and vibrationally align with my affirmations. While there are plenty more limiting beliefs I need to work on, I'm pleased with the results to date and, I have to admit, I'm now a convert to EFT.
I also use a variation of the EFT exercise Tap O the Morning at the start of each day to set myself up emotionally and vibrationally for the day ahead. I can feel my energy shift during the tapping and, if I skip a day, for whatever reason, I really do notice a difference in my outlook and energy. It really has given me 'emotional freedom' to pursue being, doing and having what I really want in life.
Yvonne Ellis has been studying personal and spiritual development for over 20 years. She teaches and coaches in these areas and is co-author of the website AttractLikeMagic where you'll find loads of information about the Law of Attraction and the Universal Laws including free eBooks to start off or enhance your Law of Attraction library. For more information on changing beliefs with EFT and the Tap O the Morning exercise please visit
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