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วันอังคารที่ 7 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

BBQ Beef Can Be Enjoyed All Year Long  

You can get the great taste of bbq beef even if its not a nice enough day to fire up the outdoor cooker. Here's a few tips and recipes for great tasting bbq beef cooked in and outdoors

Beef and barbeque go hand in hand when it comes to summer grilling. No matter if you are grilling steak, burgers or beef dogs, there is nothing like barbecued beef. The taste and texture can compare to nothing else.

Even when it is the middle of the winter you can still satisfy your need for barbequed beef when the urge take
you. You will find many recipes that are available on the internet and in bookstores that show you to cook with a slow cooker that will have the same lovely flavors as if you had cooked your beef on an outdoor grill.

A simple but effective way of beating the bbq beef blues during winter is the good old beef dog. Try this recipe to add some summer taste.

Take the beef dogs and slice them the long way. Slice about half way through and fill them with thinly sliced cheese. You can also fill them with minced onion, however most children do not like the taste of onions. Wrap each dog with a strip of bacon. You can either put them on the grill or under the broiler in the oven. The dog is done when the cheese oozes out of the dog. Place them on a bun and you have a gourmet treat that is sure to please even the pickiest eater.

There are certain protocols that you must use when you are barbequing raw meat. Every year, thousands of people succumb to illnesses that come from bacteria on raw meat. It is very important that you follow the guidelines of grilling meat to avoid these illnesses.

A tip to remember is never to put your barbeque sauce on raw meat because the sauce will seal the meat and the flavor of the barbeque will not be able to absorb. Also, when you brush the sauce on, you will pass any bacteria that  might be on a piece of meat to any others you brush after that.

Avid and competition grillers believe that by applying a dry rub to meat before it is grilled gives it the best flavor. Other grillers apply liquid smoke to meats such as beef brisket to give it an incredible flavor. Onions, celery and salt are also commonly used on this type of meat to create a succulent flavor that all will enjoy.

Heating barbeque sauce is common practice for many grillers. They heat the sauce and apply it to the meat when it has been cooking for a while. By heating the sauce first, it eliminates some of the time it takes for the meat to reach the proper temperature.

Once your bbq beef is cooked, take it off the barbecue and allow to stand for about 10 minutes. This lets the meat finish cooking and cool down properly. It will seal in all the juices and make cutting easier.

About the Author For many more fantastic barbecue recipes and tips visit The Outdoor Cooking Book. Also for other types and styles of cooking try Chefs home, The Cooking Book.

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