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วันอังคารที่ 7 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How To Have A Sex-Filled Weekend - Husband Tip #2  

Husband, if things are a little tense or unhappy between you and your wife right now... Or, if everything seems to be ok but just not very sexual, then take a few days to turn things around and have yourself a sex-filled weekend. Here's Tip #2...

Isn't it just the most wonderful feeling when you walk into a room and some "important" person immediately:

1. Notices you

2. Moves closer to you

3. Wants to hear what you have to say

4. Acts as if you are th
most important person in the world

Truth be told, you'd like to experience this a little more often than you do, wouldn't you?

And you know, it's the oddest thing...the more you treat people as though they are important, the more "important" YOU become to them.

Weird, huh?

So, what does this have to do with having a sex-filled weekend?


Starting tonight, any time you and your wife reunite after having been separated by work or chores, make sure you:

1. Notice her

2. Move closer to her

3. Encourage her to start talking to you

4. Act as if she is the most important person in the world

And you know what? When you pay attention to your wife in this way, it does something inside of her. It starts a warm glow down inside of her.

You know what else? If you keep it up, that warm glow turns into HEAT down in that area where she wears panties. And, if you stay handy, you'll be the logical choice to help her quench that "heat".

So tonight, if you get home before your wife does, then get up, turn the TV off, put down your magazine or newspaper, and do the four steps I listed above.

Or, if she's home when you get home, then put your things up and do the four steps.

Or, if you've already missed the evening "reunite" opportunity, then turn off your computer right now, stop reading this, and go do the four steps.

Do this every night from now through the weekend.

Then, after you see how well this works, you may even want to make this a habit that you carry on even after the weekend has passed.

Copyright 2009, Article by Calle Zorro of Permission is granted to reprint this article ONLY if a resource box pointing to the following websites is included with it.

About the Author:

Husbands who want a happier, more sexual marriage relationship, get this help:

Husbands who are doing everything they know to do and still there is lack of intimacy in their marriage relationship, get this help:

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