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วันอังคารที่ 23 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2552

Grooming public hair - An alternative to removing pubic hair  

Grooming pubic hair is an alternative to shaving pubic hair and is especially useful for people with sensitive skin...

Women have been changing the appearance of their pubic hair for generations. Today, many use shaving or waxing to improve its appearance but others find these methods aren't for them. They may have very sensitive skin, which is irritated by pubic shaving, or they are particularly sensitive to the pain of waxing. They find that grooming pubic hair is a better way for them to keep it looking neat wi
hout the risks of rashes, bloodspots, pimples and ingrown hairs, which are associated with removing pubic hair.

If you do decide waxing or shaving pubic hair isn't for you, grooming pubic hair is very straightforward. Here's how to get started.

Grooming pubic hair starts with daily exfoliating and moisturising of the pubic area. This keeps the hair and skin in good condition. If you wish to trim your pubic hair, first, wash and shampoo it. You can use a little conditioner too, so that the hair is tangle free. You'll need a pair of small sharp scissors and a large-toothed comb to get started. A beard trimmer is even better. Set it to long length and then start trimming. Use scissors and a comb in the same way as a hair stylist does. Run the comb thru the hair and then cut against the comb.

Only take a little off at a time and remember to keep checking the mirror to see how you're getting on. Curly hair will spring back when you've cut it so make sure you don't cut it too short. Be careful you don't cut yourself. Using a beard trimmer or pubic hair shaver is easier as you don't' have to worry about injuring yourself or trimming hair too short.

When you've finished trimming, take a shower to wash away all the hairs.  As with shaving pubic hair, maintenance is important. Regular trimming will keep hair neat. How often will depend on how quickly your hair grows but every four days is about average.

About the Author Our mission is to gather all pubic hair removal info on one place. Find it only on the Grooming Pubic Hair source. All about pubic hair styles and pubic hair design on LeanderNet -

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Being Dumped, just plain sucks!  

"Being Dumped" really is one of the worst experiences, short of death that we, as humans are faced with in our lives. They say that, death of a loved one is easier to learn to live with, than a break-up , "Being Dumped" or rejection.

Hurricanes really suck. Even if they do not reach you, they still threaten your safety net. Florida survived last years attack of Mother Nature, so we are a little more courageous this year. Not much, but a little. I would love to meet the person that pissed her off (Mother N
ture). Not only does she get even, but she does it with a vengeance. That's like PMS & Menopause all rapped up. So, for all you poor souls that are in for that ride(PMS & Manopause), and have no clue what it is all about, think hurricane. It can turn in a second and destroy you. Oh, and it has many names also, like bitch, nag, crazy, nuts, annoying, female, insane, messed up, pms'ing, hallucinating, on drugs, stupid bitch, mentally challenged, and that's just a few, except they are not in an alphabetical order like the hurricanes. OK so we are disorganized. BITE ME! You seriously have to be PMS`ing to be able to understand (winks). I can only hope that everyone gets as many laughs as I have so far typing this.

OK, now onto more serious matters in life. Today I received a question from a guy. Here is what he said:

"Posted by Anonymous 
The last woman I was involved with was quite full of herself.
So then why did she dump me?"

And my answer to him was this...  "Posted by Dorothy 
Hey there, sorry to hear about your being dumped. Not knowing either of you, it is really hard to answer that question. There are many reasons for people walking away from a relationship. It could have plain worn out. Also they could have found someone else. Either way, it sucks, and you have to deal with the pain, and learn to get on with your life. It is a challenge, but it does make you aware, of what being human is all about. There is a saying; "If it doesn`t kill you. it will only make you stronger." Also I am a firm believer in: " Things do happen for a reason."  Hang in there, things will get better, if you let them. Take Care and thank you for sharing that with me."  

"Being Dumped" really is one of the worst experiences, short of death that we, as humans are faced with in our lives. They say that, death of a loved one is easier to learn to live with, than a break-up , "Being Dumped" or rejection.

All of the above, tell us that we are unacceptable to someone. We immediatley turn it into ourselves and that's when the self-blame seed is sown. Through self-blame we begin to feel shame. Shame is so painful,  that no one talks about it or even wants to think about it. Shame is the least identified emotion we as humans deal with, because we are ashamed of our shame. Shame, is yet another negative emotion, that captures and imprisons us in a pit of hell. It pulls us into a life of silence and inactivity, lying and hiding our true fears. When we are rejected in any situation, it is a true hit to our self-esteem. If we are weak in that area, then our fall is going to be very hard. If we are strong in that area, we will quickly become weak. I wrote this in a recent blog:

"When we first fall in love; What is that saying, "Love is Blind"? Ha! Now that's funny, because it really is blind. We trust so instantly and genuinely that we potentially set ourselves up for the biggest fall in our lives. Why is that? Is it because we are so driven by nature to want to trust someone? Or is trusting someone just a happier, easier, way of life."

So there it is, we as humans, live to love and want to be loved. We are blinded by the romance of the word ~ LOVE~. We are made happy by the word~LOVE~, but we are  also hurt by the word ~LOVE~. So why do we continually set ourselves up?  We are gambling, and we do not even know it. Or, is life simply just that, a gamble? The bottom line is, no one wants to get "DUMPED", because it is not in our nature to know how to accept it. How many of you have been, "DUMPED" and just knew that your life had ended? You just knew that you will never see anything the same again. Well, you were partly correct there. It is like any other change in our lives. Things will be different than we are use to. Your life has definitely not ended. Yes, your partnership has ended with a person, and maybe it was not expected, but nor are hurricanes or wars. We deal with it all, we have to. We chose to survive. Think of it as starting a new life. Newness is positive and healthy. Look at things differently, and embrace all that newness. Do not fear it.  "BEING DUMPED",  is just another chapter in your book of life. If you had no chapters, think how dull your book would be. Now, you can open your self to another chapter, and believe me, there are many. If you spend the rest of your life wondering all the "WHY`S", just think, you have wasted even more of your precious time on something that has chosen another road. As for the fact that a person is, full of themselves, that really has nothing to do with the "Why's" of "Being Dumped". Even the most confident people close doors on relationships. They in fact, have more courage to do so than a person of less confidence, or being less full of themselves, so to speak. Who Knows? All we know is that the decision has been made and you as a person, with intelligence, must turn the page. Getting stuck in that feeling just makes therapists rich. (wink)  Life offers many, many humps and bumps. We trip and fall, over and over again. The trick is to get real good at picking yourself up and dusting off the old dirt. This is life. I told my daughter, when she was struck by her first cupids arrow, "If you are going to get emotionally involved, be prepared to get emotionally uninvolved." It's life! One very important thing we must remember; when we are at the bottom and we feel we are worthless and will never ever TRUST again, it's is a nothing more than a human emotion. We know it as doubt. We can over come doubt very easily. Look in the mirror, and tell yourself, that you are UNIQUE, and you are going to make happiness your goal. You must risk all the falls to reach that goal. Letting yourself believe that you are deserving of another relationship is truly a risk, again another gamble. But what is life without a little risk? We have the power to overcome our negative self. We just need to DO IT!!

"Self doubt is not an option!

Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we often might gain by fearing attempt."


About the Author Dorothy Lafrinere

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Understanding Self Identity - Social Aspects Of Your Individual Self  

We all know the saying, 'man is a social animal;' which means man cannot live in isolation and needs the company of others to survive. For this reason, which has been researched and analyzed for years by scientists and sociologists studying the phenomenon of man in society, it is necessary to understand man's relationship with the world around him and how it shapes his self-identity.

Self-identity is nothing but man's view of who he is. It also incorporates what others in society think about man in general, whic
further either boosts his morale or diminishes his sense of the self; whatever the case, it is accepted that for complete development and well-being to exist for man as a constant, he must work towards gaining a healthy self esteem. For this, man needs to understand desirable attitudes, values and ideas and incorporate them in daily living in order to have the integrated approach living in a society asks for.

As social beings, we also need to know that different elements make up society apart from the individuals that live in it: but because of this factor alone, society can be threatened at times. This is when individuals look only upon themselves as the be all and end all of all social things and forget to live as a group or work for the good of all; this is called individualism and is what directs people to only look at personal gain instead of greater public good. This sense of growing individualism is responsible for many societies breaking up in the light of only personal interests shining through when its people focus only on personal needs and forget the good of others; e.g. taxpayers may be plenty and paying on time too, but lack of improvement in law and order situation or even civic amenities may make one think why their hard-earned money is not being put to good use, as was promised to them by the government.

At times, this failure of society to fulfill man's needs for living in a healthy, safe and happy environment may motivate him to behave in an undesirable manner; he may find others unsympathetic or uncaring of changing the equation and thus, fail to find worth in the world around him. These kind of situations affect man's sense of self-identity and his perception of what the society should be like as it opens his eyes to what it actually is like, which is disillusioning for him and can eventually stress him out.

The results of an unbalanced self-identity, for the above or other reasons, can range from negative aspects like anger, depression, increased anxiety levels, physical abuse inflicted on others, suicide or other such outcomes.

Therefore, it is important for individuals to realize their role in society, work to recognize their spark of divinity and make an effort to ignite it for their good as well as the greater good of all around him. This is the only way to develop an enthusiastic approach to dealing with the competitive world we live in and ensure healthy adjustment to and in society.

About the Author:

Abhishek is a Self-Improvement expert and he has got some great Self-Improvement Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 81 Pages Ebook, "Self Improvement Made Easy!" from his website . Only limited Free Copies available.

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Use an 'Inverted Triangle' in Your Introduction  

When I was teaching public speaking, one of the biggest
complaints I heard from my students was, "I don't know how to
start!" This is a problem that goes well beyond classroom
speeches, however. Many of the questions I get from business
speakers are also about introductions: Should I use a joke?
Should I just state my position right away? How do I get the
audience's attention?

One tool that I have found to be very useful when trying to write
an introduction is called the "Inverted Triangle.&
uot; This concept
is used mainly in journalism, but it works great for speech
introductions as well. When writing your introduction, visualize
it as a triangle with its widest part at the top and the point at
the bottom.

This triangle represents how specific your information is at any
given time in your introduction. The wide part at the top
represents fairly general information, and, as the triangle
becomes narrower, the information becomes more specific. In
essence, the inverted triangle is just a way to remember that you
should go from the general to the specific in your introduction.

I've found that the best way to put this into practice is to
start off by talking about some general issue or problem. Then, I
try to apply it more specifically to the audience that I am
talking to. Then I become even more specific by advocating a
particular plan or solution.

As an example, if you were giving a presentation on your business
opportunity, you might begin by talking about the economy
(general), and how hard it is for some people to make ends meet
(a little more specific). Then, you would discuss how nice it
would be for your audience to have some extra money to pay bills
or buy that luxury item they've always wanted (more specific).
Then, finally, you would introduce your opportunity as a way that
they could accomplish this (even more specific).

As you can see, this format is a nice way of leading into a
subject. By using the triangle, you can "ease" your way into
making your main point at the end of the introduction. The
inverted triangle certainly isn't the only way to structure an
introduction, but it is very helpful when an introduction doesn't
spring instantly to mind.
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Probiotics &' Essential Components Of Our Health  

It is not common that someone comes across the word 'Probiotics' often. Probiotics are essentially a class of helpful bacteria or certain microorganisms present inside the human gastro-intestinal tract. It is these helpful microbes which help in protecting the body against a variety of harmful bacteria and other ailments.

The basic functions of such probiotics is to interact adversely with the incoming pathogen that may cause considerable harm to the body and kill it. They keep a constant vigil inside the human body and pl
y a vital role in disease prevention. They do so by playing an active role in providing immunity to the individual.

However, it is quite a difficult task for any individual to constantly maintain the required level of probiotics inside the body. In other words, it is very important for an individual to monitor the quantity of these 'good' bacteria in the body. One can easily maintain a high index of such micro-organisms in the body by staying away from oily and spicy food and by adhering to a proper diet regime, consisting of green vegetables and fruits.

The activity of these probiotics inside the body can be summarized as follows :

1. These bacteria help in the removal of harmful toxins from the body by flushing them out of the system. They help in complete elimination of excretory products from the body and prevent the absorption of such harmful wastes in the circulatory system of the body.
2. They help in the metabolism of certain food products inside the body and help in the conversion of many food products into helpful metabolites.
3. Some of these bacteria are also of great importance from the scientific point of view. In other words, there are numerous research projects that are being carried out to determine the level to which they can be helpful therapeutically. Scientists have made considerable breakthrough in the tests carried out for the treatment of 'cancer'. Such developments in the field of medicine would revolutionize the way many people are treated for various ailments because it is a considerably cheaper way of treating a patient.
4. Probiotics are essentially employed to aid the process of digestion in an individual. Many of the companies manufacturing products incorporated with such bacteria include curd manufacturing companies.

Thus, it can be seen very well that probiotics have become a necessity in today's world. Such microorganisms are essential to be incorporated in the food products consumed by us for a better health.

About the Author:

Get more information on Probiotics and Probiotic.

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Dental Problems and Premature Birth  

Nature's Smile is the best solution for gum problems.

Adults and children both suffer from dental problems due to various reasons.  In this article, we have chosen a very different topic to discuss about the various thoughts that prevail about dental problems linked to children who are born premature.  There are a lot of parents who think that their children suffer from dental problems because of them being born premature.

There have been various studies carried out that have proven the fact th
t children who are born premature are more prone to develop dental problems than children who are born full term.  The different dental problems that these premature kids suffer from include delayed tooth eruption, hypoplasia of the enamel, discoloration of teeth, palatal groove and in most cases these kids need braces due to crowding of teeth.

The problem of delayed tooth eruption occurs in children who are born with a very low birth weight and are very sick at the time of birth.  Other reasons that are linked to their delayed tooth eruption are infection at the time of birth, low nutrition, as well as prolonged intubation.  There is a general concept, which states that normal birth stimulates the teething process but premature birth hinders it.

The process of tooth eruption in premature kids occurs with a delay of about two to six months than children who are born normal.  So the parents must not be worried if their premature child is showing delay erupting teeth.  Another dental problem occurring in children who are born premature is the enamel hypoplasia.  The outer white covering of the teeth is the enamel.  The frequency of enamel hypoplasia in premature children is about four to six times more than the normal children.

A very interesting fact that needs to be mentioned here is the left front upper teeth have two times more tendency to have enamel hypoplasia than the right ones.  This problem does not get that severe though it shows itself on the permanent teeth.  The major cause of enamel hypoplasia is intubation and mechanical ventilation.  Another cause related to that is the decrease in nutrition.

These premature children who have enamel hypoplasia are more likely to develop cavities.  Therefore continuous monitoring and regular brushing is required to prevent development of cavities.  There is also a chance of development of tooth discoloration in premature kids.  The basic reason for this is the cause of high bilirubin levels.  This discoloration can be brown or yellow and when demonstrated on permanent teeth, it cannot be cleared off by the dentist.

The dentists are going over a debate that whether the premature kids need braces or not.  Few orthodontists treat the crowded teeth and the palatal groove caused by the intubation tube with the braces, as well as the spacer for a couple of years.  The problems that these preemies face after birth is crowding of teeth, teeth which are poorly positioned, problems with suckling and speech, and some might suffer from hearing problems.

I hope this article provides you with the vital information to orientate with the basic dental problems that are faced by premature kids.

About the Author

Angela Rogers, Marketer for Nature's Smile,

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How To Smell A Good Aroma From Coffee  

Every morning, as you get out of bed to face the new day, a sweet aroma brewing on the edge of your nostrils caresses you slowly down the staircase and through the kitchen door. As you open the door to the new world beyond your mattress and your pillowcases, you are enchanted once again by the haunting smell of the concoction you have come to know as coffee.

Yes, you read it right coffee! How many people living in the fast lane drink coffee to perk up and be invigorated. How about people in the rural areas lying back to sound of
eautiful afternoon melodies while basking the afternoon away after a good day's work?

And do we ever love coffee. People have a fascination for coffee that has reached monstrous proportions. The people who have coffee noses and coffee tongues can't work without having a sip of the well-loved concoction. There are many things that they can go without but coffee is definitely not one of them.

Can you smell the brew?"Coffee addicts" that is what we call them. These people are the kind of people that can't live without caffeine even for one day. They have caffeine in the veins as the blood that flows in their bloodstream. They are so much into coffee that they go through great lengths for that ultimate coffee experience. Like a pilgrimage to Mecca or the search for the Holy Grail, like Don Quixote's elusive dragon hunt or the search for Davey Jones's locker, the hunt for the ultimate coffee experience is never ending.

Just when you thought that you've found it, another scent catches the wind and we are off to the next hunt. This is especially true for coffee addicts; their insatiable need to have coffee in their blood sometimes get the best of them and their pockets. They may not know it but they have been on the trail of coffee right in front of their noses.

But what is it with coffee and why do we come back day in and day out for the taste that it has? Coffee, we all know, wakes us up in the morning, perks up our day and give us the great kick-start to our day. Caffeine in coffee gives us just the right nudge to be always alert during the long day.

In the morning, it gives us the right amount to start off the day. In the afternoon, it relaxes a person after a long day of work and exhaustion. In between those times, coffee can be good for anything that suits our purpose. Coffee can also be deadly when taken in excess.

About the Author:

Find tips about green tea caffeine and kombucha tea at the Types Of Tea website.

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Are You A Chocoholic?  

The wonderful organization called AA, otherwise known as Alcoholics Anonymous has helped countless people across the world to address their addiction to alcohol. Similar groups meet to deal with gambling and other anti social urges.

But what about chocaholics? I do not seem to recall reading about brave souls who stand up in public and announce to the world that they are chocaholics. The bar of chocolate is kept hidden in the fridge and is seen as something shameful that only weak minded people want to eat. What utter nonsense.! <
r />
From the time that a child learns how to walk, he or she is rewarded for being a good boy or girl by giving them a chocolate frog or other shaped bar. No one seems to say that this child is being introduced to the dark world of chocolate addiction and no one would think that they are breaking the law in doing so.

Let us look at the history of chocolate and see how humankind came to be introduced to this wonderfully tempting but challenging substance. The love of chocolate has a long history. Chocolate and cocoa powder originate from Cocoa Beans, the seeds of a fruit from the Coca Tree (The Aroma Cacao). The Cocao Tree was cultivated by the Maya Indians, the Inca of Peru, the Taltec's and the Aztecs of Mexico over 3000 years ago.

Its fruit appeased the gods, hence the saying "Food of the Gods". The beans were used as currency and to prepare a bitter beverage, mixed with spices that were at times used as a ceremonial drink. The love of chocolate has a long history. Chocolate and cocoa powder originate from Cocoa Beans, the seeds of a fruit from the Coca Tree (The Aroma Cacao).

The Cocao Tree was cultivated by the Maya Indians, the Inca of Peru, the Taltec's and the Aztecs of Mexico over 3000 years ago. Its fruit appeased the gods, hence the saying "Food of the Gods". The beans were used as currency and to prepare a bitter beverage, mixed with spices that were at times used as a ceremonial drink.

In 1502 Christopher Columbus introduced the cocoa bean to Spain. Henando Cortez (Conqueror of Mexico in 1519) returned to Spain in 1527 and brought with him more coca beans and the Aztec's recipe for preparing 'Xocoatyl' (Bitter Water) which he had tasted in the Court of Montezuma, Mexico.

In Spain the bean was crushed and mixed with sugar and spices and soon became a popular drink with the nobles. It remained a closely guarded secret for almost a century but with intermarriage between the royal families it eventually gained a popularity throughout Europe and remained an expensive luxury.

In 1657 a French man opened a shop in London selling both the hot chocolate drink and solid chocolate to be made into a beverage. The process for preparing eating chocolate was not developed until the 19th Century. In 1828 the Dutchman, C. J. Van Houten, patented a process to obtain "Chocolate Powder" (cocoa powder as we now know it) by pressing much cocoa butter from ground and roasted beans - a less fatty cocoa drink.

Some twenty years later Fry and Sons of Bristol in England, combined the extracted cocoa butter with chocolate liquor and sugar to make the first eating chocolate 'Delicieux a Manger' which went on sale in 1847-1848. John Cadbury founded the firm of Cadbury 1824. He was an established tea and coffee merchant. Cadbury's (George & Richard Cadbury, sons of John) released Cocoa Essence, a pure Cocoa product made possible by a Dutch invention.

We can see that chocolate as we know it today, did not come into existence until about 150 years ago. The advertising world has been portraying chocolate as something almost sinful but certainly to be enjoyed by everyone. We do not read articles in the daily newspapers exhorting us to avoid the sins of the chocolate snack.

Let's get serious now ! How can we stop being chocaholics and hold our heads up high at the Chocaholics Anonymous meetings? Will we be able to proclaim that we are reformed chocolate addicts and that not a single piece of chocolate has passed our lips for the past 5
years? Did I hear you say that this seems to be a rather extreme point of view and that this does occur in the real world ?

You are quite right. But like most of us, you would probably like to reduce your chocolate intake, even only to know that you can say no and stop eating it when you want to.

Here are some tips to help you on your way, but do talk to your chiropractor about nutrition and have a spinal checkup.

* Discover if the craving is emotional - there are all sorts of reasons why people crave foods. It can often be related to feelings of low self-esteem or depression. If you can identify your reasons, then try another approach to tackling the problem.

* Incorporate small portions of chocolate into your usual diet, rather than restrict yourself. Moderation is the key. A research trial found that people who limited eating chocolate to within half an hour of eating a meal gradually weaned themselves off their craving.

* If you are feeling bored and craving chocolate, go for a walk, run errands, call a friend or read a book. If you can take your mind off food for a short time, the craving may pass.

* Make sure you always have healthy food nearby, so you can replace chocolate with fruit a few times a day. Eat an overall balanced diet, eat regularly to avoid hunger and eat more slowly. When your blood sugar levels are stable, cravings are less likely to occur.

* If you think it's necessary, do not allow chocolate in the house. Ask friends and family not to buy you chocolate, or even not to eat it in front of you!

* Finally, it is a good idea to increase your level of exercise, to burn off excess calories and increase your metabolic rate. Exercise also releases endorphins, which counteracts stress, anxiety and depression. If all else fails, see a psychologist or have hypnotherapy. It will at least make you feel good to know that you have done everything in your power to beat the chocolate addiction.

About the Author:

Dr David Black is an Australian chiropractor in private practice. After 25 years as a pharmacist, he went back to study in 1980 as a mature aged student and has now practiced chiropractic for 25 years. He is passionate about patient education and giving people the tools to help themselves. Dr Black believes that everyone can enjoy better health and that spinal health and fitness is a key start in this journey. His website at has many articles and chiropractic resources.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 15 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2552

An Effective Natural Menopause Treatment  

Natural menopause treatment is truly appreciated by many women having the symptoms of menopause. They seem to prefer alternative medicines because the use of hormone replacement therapies might be harmful. Natural menopause treatment is known to be effective with its teas, elixirs and topical applications.

Natural menopause treatment is truly appreciated by many women having the symptoms of menopause. They seem to prefer alternative medicines because the use of hormone replacement therapies might be harmful. Natural menopaus
treatment is known to be effective with its teas, elixirs and topical applications. Natural menopause treatments decrease the symptoms and this is why so many women try them before starting traditional hormone replacement.

The old saying that the cure can be worse than the disease can be applied here. The side effects of traditional menopause treatment are not really pleasant and you should pay attention to the correct dosage. Apart from that, symptoms are not fully controlled even when having traditional treatment. After all natural menopause treatment is much safer than the traditional hormone replacement therapy. Herbal remedies are commonly used in natural menopause treatment. They might be black cohosh, dong quai, maca root and red clover.

All of them contain phytoestrogens which are like the natural estrogen and their main function is to increase the level of the hormone in the body. Black cohosh is the thing that decreases menopausal symptoms like hot flashes and vaginal dryness. It also helps to reduce the irritability and it stabilizes mood swings. If you are taking black cohosh, it is also good to know that it reveals depression and anxiety. It also fights against night sweats and heart palpitations. Dong quai is herb that also treats menopause symptoms naturally. What this herb does best is to dilate blood vessels. When dong quai is combined with black cohosh is it most effective.

Another herbal medicine is maca root. It works as a hormone regulator and helps the stimulation of hormone production. It's most vital function is that it restores libido and increases sex drive. Red clover is the last herb mentioned-above which is used in a natural menopause treatment. It contains high levels of phytoestrogens which work against mood swings and hot flashes. Red clover also protects the organism against osteoporosis. Another thing this very effective herb does is to increase good cholesterol in the blood stream which automatically means lower risk of heart disease for those women taking it.

Even when using natural menopause treatments you should not exceed the recommended dosage and should also be directed. Whatever type of alternative medicine you want to try, it's best if you consult your primary care provider. He might give you sound advice which remedies and therapies are the most suitable for you. Another thing you should do is keep a proper diet and exercise. These two things definitely have positive impact on our health in general, so they also help the reduction of menopausal symptoms.

There are some women who shouldn't use natural menopause treatments because they are not right for them and might have negative effects on them. Before starting any kind of natural menopause treatment you should very carefully read the labels. To conclude with, natural treatments have helped many women live easily in their menopause. If they can work for the others, they might be effective for you, as well.

About the Author Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning women's health. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting Natural Menopause Treatment

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Menopause - the Wise Woman Way  

Discover Wise Woman Ways of approaching menopause and work with green allies to help you through this period of change. Susun Weed shows you how!


To the MD, menopause is the last drop of blood a woman sheds. A woman can be peri-menopausal (around menopause) or post-menopausal (after menopause) but she can never be menopausal, according to this definition.

To most women, however, the years between the first suspicion of change and the final menses constitute the menopausal years, and we are men
pausal throughout that time. This decade of transition is compared by some to non-stop PMS, by others to an extended pregnancy. I see it as a second puberty.

Menopause is puberty prime, and the change from a familiar, known self to new and unknown self is the same: amazing, difficult, rewarding, exasperating, and momentous.

"Do not become alarmed when you experience yourself in totally new ways," sighs Grandmother Growth tenderly. "You are changing, getting ready to be initiated into the third stage of your life. Are you ready for the ride of your life?" Susun Weed, Menopausal Years the Wise Woman Way, Woodstock: Ash Tree, 2002


The onerous physical/emotional changes that accompany puberty and menopause are strongly influenced - both positively and negatively - by cultural, familial, and personal beliefs.

If we expect our new self to be more powerful, more exciting, more interesting than our old self, we willingly undergo discomfort, pain, sleeplessness, emotional variability, and a host of annoyances and distresses. In America today, this is may be the case when we experience puberty, pregnancy, birth, and lactation.

If we expect our new self to be a weaker, less interesting, grayed-out version of our older self, we will naturally resist changing and find the normal abnormalities of change intolerable. This is often the case when American women encounter menopause.

The purpose of this article is not to examine why this is so, or how it came to be so, but to offer a different view of menopause. I want to share with you the teachings I have received from the Ancient Ones, the ancient grandmothers who tell the women's mystery stories. That your journey may be made richer.

"The joy of menopause is the world's best-kept secret. Like venturing through the gateway to enter an ancient temple, in order to claim that joy a woman must be willing to pass beyond the monsters who guard its gate. As you stand at the brink of it, it can appear that only darkness, danger and decay lie beyond. [But] ... as thousands of women from all cultures throughout history have whispered to each other, it is the most exciting passage a woman ever makes."Leslie Kenton, Passage to Power. London: Ebury Press; 1995


And let's take some simple herbal helpers with us on our menopausal journey. Their abilities are subtle and far-reaching. They can help us ease symptoms, provide us with optimum nourishment, help us create healthy hearts and healthy bones, and open us to the uplifting power of Nature.

Nourishing herbal infusions provide an abundance of minerals, vitamins, proteins, and phytoestrogens (plant hormones that are similar to estrogen) at low cost and with little effort.

To make a nourishing herbal infusion:

  • Place one ounce by weight (about a cup by volume) of dried herb (do not use fresh) in a quart jar and fill to the top with boiling water.
  • Cover tightly and allow to steep for at least four hours. Overnight is fine.
  • Strain and refrigerate.
  • Drink 2-4 cups a day, hot or cold, mixed with other liquids (water, juice, rum, coffee for example) or taken neat.

I rotate through four nourishing herbs: oatstraw, stinging nettle, red clover, and comfrey leaf. Each herb has special benefits for menopausal women. These four herbs, taken one at a time, and infused in water, are completely safe to use. (They may not be safe if taken in tinctures or encapsulated). I have drunk nourishing herbal infusions on a daily basis for more than twenty years.

But before we go further, let's talk about the purpose of menopause.

"She [the postmenopausal woman] is not a sentiment, she is a requirement."Kristen Hawkes, 1997


Menopause may be a prime factor in women's greater longevity.(1)

Dr. Kristen Hawkes of the University of Utah reports that Hadza women in their 50s, 60s, 70s, and beyond gather more food than men or women of other ages and they are as important to the survival of their grandchildren as the children's mothers are.(2)

The postmenopausal woman is the one who has the stored wisdom to help her community survive. She is the Wise Woman, the one who gives us all a survival edge. Dr. Jared Diamond of the University of California at Los Angeles Medical School maintains that menopause is "among the biological traits essential for making us human." (3)

Dr. Hawkes believes that not only did prehistoric women survive past the age of menopause, but that they were instrumental in freeing our ancestors to exploit new habitats, explore new places, and ultimately to spread across the entire planet. (4)

"Kundalini [is] the root [of] all spiritual experiences ...."RE Svoboda, Kundalini Aghora II. Albuquerque, NM. 1993


As a long-time student of yoga, I am struck by the many similarities between menopausal symptoms and the well-known esoteric goal of "awakening of the Kundalini."

Kundalini is a special kind of energy known in many cultures, including Tibetan, Indian, Sumerian, Chinese, Irish, Aztec, and Greek. Kundalini is said to be hot, fast, powerful, and large. It exists within the earth, within all life, and within each person.

Kundalini is usually represented as a serpent coiled at the base of the spine, but women's mystery stories locate it in the uterus - or the area where the uterus was, if a hysterectomy has occurred.

Yogis spend lifetimes learning how to wake up their Kundalini so they may experience enlightenment. Success causes a surge of super-heated energy to travel through the body, firing the nerves, dilating blood vessels, and altering the nature of reality. Sounds like a hot flash to me.

If Kundalini is released over and over, as it is during menopause, it causes changes in the functioning of the endocrine, cardiovascular, and nervous systems.

Wise women use nourishing herbal infusions, especially nervous-system strengthening oatstraw, fermented foods, such as yogurt, and seaweed (as a food, not a supplement), to help ensure that these changes add to their vitality and longevity, creating what Margaret Mead called "postmenopausal zest".


When we are children, we exist within Kundalini; it is primarily outside the body. At puberty, a two-valved energy "gate" opens, and Kundalini circulates up from the earth and into the root chakra. The maiden becomes the mother. Kundalini builds up in the uterus and pelvic tissues, ready to create a new life. This stored Kundalini can intensify emotions and sensations, expose powerful feelings, trigger creative outpourings, and generate house-cleaning frenzies. If pregnancy occurs, the Kundalini continues to build for the duration of the pregnancy and is used in the act of birth. If no egg is fertilized, the Kundalini flows out with the menstrual blood, returning to the earth.

At menopause, one "valve" of the root chakra closes. The mother becomes the crone. The open valve allows Kundalini to enter; the closed one prevents it from leaving. When Kundalini collects in the uterus without an outlet, it causes problems including incontinence, broken hips, loss of libido, and excessively dry vaginal tissues.


But if the Kundalini is guided (by thought or by hot flashes, for instance) up the spine, then it confers enlightenment not incontinence, flexibility not fractures, vitality not debility, and abundance not withering. Stinging nettle infusion replaces the nutrients and proteins that Kundalini uses up. By strengthening the adrenals and kidneys, and increasing stamina, nettle helps us surf the waves and ski the slopes of our hot flashes.

Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) is a wonderful ally for the woman who is awakened by night sweats, whose hair is falling out or becoming brittle, whose energy is flagging (or gone!), whose vagina is dry, who wants to avoid adult-onset diabetes, for the woman who wants to increase her metabolic rate, improve the flexibility of her blood vessels, strengthen her immune system, and find ease for sore joints.

Loaded with folic acid, vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, carotenes, zinc, boron, and iron, nettle is a nutritional powerhouse. One cup of infusion supplies 500mg of calcium plus vitamin D, vitamin K, protein, and special lipids, which contribute to magnificent bone health.


The root energy center is one of seven main energy centers, each of which corresponds to endocrine glands. In even the healthiest of women, disruption of some sort, in one or more of the energy centers (chakras), will occur for at least a short while during the menopausal years.

It is important to remember that the vast majority of uncomfortable symptoms caused by menopause and the movement of Kundalini will be short-lived (less than a year).

Healthy women who have had one or no children generally seem to have the strongest symptoms as Kundalini arises. Women with low vitality, including women who have given birth to six or more children, may have few or no symptoms at all.

  • Menopausal symptoms at the root center include menstrual pain, growth of fibroid tumors, flooding, urinary problems, cervical/uterine/endometrial growths/cancers, brittle hips, constipation, diarrhea, vaginal infections and irritations, and hemorrhoids.

    Get help from:

    Motherwort tincture (Leonurus cardiaca). A dose of 10-15 drops counters cramps as it eases hot flashes.

    Red clover (Trifolium pratense), the world's best-known, best-regarded anti-cancer herb, also improves fertility and helps normalize the bowels. If that weren't enough, red clover infusion (not tincture, not capsules) contains ten times more phytoestrogens than soy.

    Whole grains and lentils, beets and burdock are also allies of the root chakra.

  • Menopausal symptoms at the navel (or belly) center include bloat, gas, urinary infections, exhaustion, panic attacks, paranoia, and episodes of inexplicable sorrow.

    Get help from:

    Stinging nettle. It is the specific helper for this chakra.

    Additionally, orange foods (especially baked winter squash and sweet potatoes) bring ease and health, improving energy and mood.

  • Menopausal symptoms at the solar plexus include indigestion, disturbed liver function, gall stones, a sense of dissatisfaction with one's self, blood sugar and mood swings, adult onset diabetes, anxiety, phobias, and pathological shyness.

    Get help from:

    Herbs such as dandelion, burdock, or yellow dock roots, or milk thistle seeds, used as tinctures. They strengthen the solar plexus, improve digestion, moderate blood sugar and mood swings, help the liver clear excess hormones, and put you on the sunny side of life.

  • Menopausal symptoms at the heart chakra include palpitations, breast changes, excess fat deposits on the back and upper arms, lessening of compassion, increase in blood pressure, unwarranted feelings of guilt, and lung problems.

    Get help from:

    Motherwort tincture (not capsules). A dropperful stops palpitations in minutes. Regular use helps stabilize the heart, decreases blood pressure, improves blood flow, and eases emotional distress.

    Comfrey leaf (not root) infusion (not capsules) is a renowned lung strengthener. Popularly known as knitbone, comfrey leaf supplies lots of bone-healthy nutrients.

  • Menopausal symptoms at the throat chakra include thyroid problems, excessive weight gain, incoherent rages, nausea, cough, and sore throat. Menopausal women who have swallowed too much "no" during their lives may find themselves making dramatic and amazing statements.

    Get help from:

    Seaweeds, the specific ally of the throat chakra. Soak kombu or wakame with beans and cook, add hijiki or alaria to soups, snack on dulse and kelp. I don't use tablets or powdered products, finding them inferior.

  • Menopausal symptoms at the third eye center include headaches, eye problems, near-sightedness, sinus infections, depression, thoughts of suicide, obsessions, insomnia, and mental instability (visions and hallucinations).

    Get help from:

    The mint family. Skullcap tincture strengthens the nerves, eases headaches, and brings deep sleep. Sage infusion makes the mind coherent and clear. Rosemary oil aids the memory and improves concentration. Lavender blossom tea lifts the mood and unkinks wound-up nerves.

  • Menopausal symptoms at the crown chakra include hair loss, dizziness, hearing problems, memory problems, dementia, nervous tics, shingles, and unexplained pain anywhere in the body.

    Get help from:

    Comfrey leaf (not root) infusion (not capsules); it's brain food.

    Nettle infusion (not capsules) restores hair and counters compulsions.

    Hypericum perforatum (St. Joan's/John's Wort) tincture (not capsules), used freely (a dropperful every 2-4 hours) can relieve the pain of shingles within a day and often cure it within three. Eases sore muscles anywhere; helps prevent muscle aches too.


As we leave our fertile years behind, so we leave behind our identity as "mother" (irrespective of whether we have physically had children or not). Ready or not, we are introduced to ourselves as old women. Yes, we are yet baby crones, not yet prepared to wield the Kundalini that now flows through us toe to tip. Yet we are crones, women of wisdom, women of power.

When menopausal symptoms are understood as energy movement (or lack of it), we can feel more at ease, not so afraid of being out of control. Instead of feeling victimized by our bodies, we can nourish our wholeness. We can view our symptoms as suggestions for improvement, instead of damning evidence of our mortality. We can focus in on areas that need special attention, extra nourishment.

Quiet time alone in nature, or sitting in a comfortable chair listening to soothing music allows thoughts and feelings to arise and opens the way for the flow of Kundalini. Specific exercises, such as those in Tai Chi, Qi Gong, and yoga can also be used to help ease into the increased energy flow. Green allies such as oatstraw, nettles, red clover, comfrey leaf, and motherwort strengthen us for the increased power. Because we know the outcome is worth it, the day-to-day annoyances are easier to take.

After years of practice, Kundalini moves freely up the spine and out the crown. Our symptoms subside, our overall energy is stronger, better. We hold our wise blood inside. We are the wise women. We are the crones.


  1. Perls T MD, Fretts R MD. "Why Women Live Longer Than Men". Scientific American, 1998 August: 102.
  2. Angier N. "Is Menopause a Key to Survival? The Grandmother Hypothesis". New York Times, 1997: August 18.
  3. Ibid
  4. Ibid

About the Author

Susun Weed
PO Box 64
Woodstock, NY 12498
Fax: 1-845-246-8081

Visit Susun Weed at:;and

For permission to reprint this article, contact us at:

Vibrant, passionate, and involved, Susun Weed has garnered an international reputation for her groundbreaking lectures, teachings, and writings on health and nutrition. She challenges conventional medical approaches with humor, insight, and her vast encyclopedic knowledge of herbal medicine. Unabashedly pro-woman, her animated and enthusiastic lectures are engaging and often profoundly provocative.

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Enhancing your Self-Esteem  

Your self-esteem plays the biggest role in your life and influences your thoughts, ideas and decisions. You hear time and time again about how important having a high self-esteem is, yet most of us tend to find ways to lower it and keep it as low as it can possibly get. The reason behind this behavior is simply that you do not give yourself the credit you deserve and have not made yourself a true friend to your being. In getting to know and love yourself, you will then determine whether or not you are stable enough to enter in a relationship
In order to become one with someone, you need to be whole on your own.

Let us begin with your physical being first, since that is what society looks at most. How do you feel about your physical appearance? Most likely, you will first point out the things you do not like about yourself. Well, you are not alone. Almost everyone automatically puts himself or herself down first when looking in the mirror. Have you ever stopped and observed the things you do like about your physical self? You probably have not. It is time to start doing that. The next time you look at yourself, find the physical qualities you like and accept in your being. Why are we so hard on ourselves? Well, the truth is, we were not born with the attitude of putting our selves down. We adapted and taught ourselves to do so when we watched what being perfect meant in the eyes of others. We are constantly being flaunted with people who are thin, big on top, muscular, small waists and long legs on television and other advertisements, that we got convinced into believing that we must look a certain way in order to be admired, accepted and perfect in society. Remember, beauty and perfection is in the eye of the beholder and you should be that first beholder.

When you look at yourself in a mirror, all you see is the outside, but who is that person looking back at you? What does that person like and dislike? What goals does that person have? What are his or her hobbies? How could another being get to know you, if you do not even know yourself? What do you have to offer? Nothing if you lack the knowledge and information of who you are! This is why going through a self-check is important. You must dig deeper than your physical existence in order to realize your true self. Enter your mind and soul and find out what really makes you the person you are. If you have nothing to offer as far as your being is concerned, how can you have a relationship? You cannot!

Not all negatives thoughts are bad. Sometimes, occasional negatives thoughts help us open doors for improvements in our lives, which is wonderful. It is always important to remember not to give those negative thoughts more focus though. Pay most attention to the positive things about yourself and about the good things that are going on in your life.

Is it hard for you to fill your head with positive thoughts most of the time? Then you need to see what is getting in the way of it. Do you put yourself in situations that make you neglect the positive thoughts? Take a look at how you feel when doing certain things, and if they keep you from feeling positive…get out of that situation!!! What you then need to do is start looking at the beautiful things about life. Spend time with people who make you feel good and feel good about themselves, of course! You could even read books that make you feel great after reading them, because after reading them, you will put them down and look at the world in a more positive way, with much positive thoughts. Only you know what truly makes you feel good about life and yourself, so start providing yourself with those things. Give yourself the make over your mind and soul deserve!

Take pride in the things you have done and the things that you know and continue to learn. Never look at yourself as less intelligent as others or stupid for not knowing certain things. You are not Superman and neither is anyone else. No one can possibly know every single thing there is to know. What you know is what you took an interest in knowing and that is what builds your special character and you should be joyful about it. If you want people to respect you and consider you knowledgeable, then you yourself need to believe and realize that you are respectable and full of knowledge (and you are once you have looked for it and found it). When you feel good about yourself, you have a high self-esteem and when you have a high self-esteem, you shine and tell people how to treat you through your actions and behavior. If you go some place knowing what you need and what you want without fearing to ask for it, people will see and know that you are confident and intellectual because you know what you want and they will respect you for it.

So make time to dedicate your efforts into making yourself feel more confident and more attractive both physically and intellectually, and do not make excuses for yourself. Once your self-love has been discovered, you will then be able to give other people the attention and concentration they deserve. When two people have complete and stable self-health, they can complete each other in many ways they never thought possible! Be the best you can be and do you and your partner or future partner a favor by knowing and loving yourself so that when they are in the picture, you may fully offer and give yourself to them.

Alina Ruigrok is an independent relationship expert for helping those in need of dating, love, relationship, marital, sexual and other personal advice through e-sessions.
About the Author Alina Ruigrok is an independent relationship expert for helping those in need of dating, love, relationship, marital, sexual and other personal advice through e-sessions.

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The 6 Biggest Dating Mistakes That Men Make  

There are some common mistakes made by men while dating a woman. This article intends to recognize these mistakes so you can avoid them in the future!

Have you experienced one of those dating evenings where everything looked perfect, but then she didn't look interested in a second date? Maybe you were not so good as you thought!

This article discusses common mistakes that men make while dating girls. (Women's mistakes while dating is theme for another article.)

1) Men try too much to impress. Usually men
ry to impress their date as much as possible, telling her about his nice car, how much he earns, how much he has achieved at work, etc. Don't try to impress by what you have, instead try to show what you are.

2) Men drink too much. This mistake seems to be quite obvious. You shouldn't drink too much and make you look like an alcoholic, even if she drinks a lot too! If you use to drink at dates because it makes you feel more comfortable and relaxed, try to do it with measure.

3) Men don't listen to women. Men talk all night about themselves, and when she talks he doesn't allow her to finish and interrupts her. Instead try to listen to what she has to say. Ask questions and show interest in her. Women love it!

One big mistake is going out and spending a lot of time on a cell phone or a blackberry. If it keeps ringing, turn it off. Let your voice mail take your calls.

4) Men are not chivalrous. Many men consider that being a gentlemen is something from the past that is no longer important, useful or appreciated by modern women. Well, they are wrong. Women still appreciate men who are gentlemen, opening and closing the car door for the woman is an easy way to earn points. Men shouldn't exaggerate though.

5) Men fail to take initiative. Women dislike when men don't have ideas to offer, or don't show motivation. If she wants to go out and share some time with you, you should never say "I don't know what to do!" Instead you should propose some dating ideas and ask her to choose from. You don't have to come out with the best ideas in the world, just show that you are making an effort.

6) Telling lies. This is a common one, unfortunately. Never play games with women. Sooner or later you will be discovered and her disappointment will be big. Most women appreciate a man who is sincere and stands by his word and action, and treats others the way they would like to be treated.

Most men never want to admit their mistakes. Sometimes admitting a mistake just shows you're brave enough to acknowledge it, but creating a million excuses will not play to your favor.

Of course this is only general advice, and since every male or female person are different, it's up to the couple to make it understood what they want or prefer. Communication will finally help the couple progress in their relationship, or have it finished because of lack of compatibility.

About the Author Online dating in USA and Canada and UK and Ireland residents visit

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10 Natural Acne Home Treatments  

Tried all the over the counter methods of controlling and curing acne? Find ways to treat acne with natural home acne treatments found right in your kitchen. This is all without the nasty side effects that many of the acne treatment products bring.

Does a certain acne treatment you are using cause nasty side effects? Maybe you are paying good money for a treatment that is not living up to expectations? Before you run off to the drug store to purchase another acne treatment follow some of the followin
tips for natural acne home treatments.

  •  Acne Home Treatment #1 - Grind nutmeg with un-boiled milk and apply on acne for 1-2 hours. Pimples should disappear without leaving a mark.
  •  Acne Home Treatment #2 - Make a paste by mixing honey and cinnamon powder. Apply this paste on the pimples before sleeping and wash it next morning with warm water. Repeat for two weeks, pimples will disappear forever.
  •  Acne Home Treatment #3 - Apply a mixture of 1 teaspoon lemon juice and 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder. Note that this remedy is not for sensitive skin.
  •  Acne Home Treatment #4 - Make orange peel paste by grinding it in some water. Apply on and around pimples.
  •  Acne Home Treatment #5 - Rub fresh garlic on and around pimples. Pimples will disappear without a mark with regular applications.
  •  Acne Home Treatment #6 - Apply fresh mint juice over the face every night for the treatment of pimples, insect stings, eczema, scabies, & other skin infections.
  •  Acne Home Treatment #7 - Apply fresh lime juice mixed to a glass of boiled milk as a face wash for pimples, blackheads, and cracked skin.
  •  Acne Home Treatment #8 - Apply ripe tomatoes pulp on acne pimples and keep up to 1 hour, then wash.
  •  Acne Home Treatment #9 - Make a paste of salt in vinegar. Rub it on the pimples. Wash it off after 20-30 minutes with lukewarm water.
  •  Acne Home Treatment #10 - Apply grated potatoes as poultice to treat skin blemishes, wrinkles, boils, pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, etc.

 Most of the ingredients are found right there in your own kitchen. So, next time before running off to the drugstore to pay top dollar for the next great acne treatment give some of these natural home acne treatments a try.

About the Author

To read more about home treatment for acne, and other acne treatment, visit

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Two popular diets for busy women  

How Busy Woman Can Lose Weight Quickly

You don't have to look very hard these days to see that there are many popular diet programs being advertised and promoted on TV to help busy women loose weight.

Each one claiming that you can lose X amount of pounds in just a few days/weeks. Some of these are paid subscription diets, so you should really try to find out as much as you can about them before getting out your credit card for that monthly fee.

Below we will look at two of the most common subscription diets
hat you can choose from today. Other programs can be found at

** South Beach Diet

The South Beach Diet is becoming ever popular. Unlike other diets, it is not strictly low carb or low fat. It is more about eating the RIGHT carbs and fats. It was developed by Dr Arthur Agaston and the site offers subscribers free tips and recipes to help them stick to their goals each day.

You can also plan your meals and track your weight loss using the tools provided.

The South Beach Diet is a proven way to balance your diet and exercise program. Although it may not give an instant weight loss like some of the other diets listed below, it really helps you to keep track of your goals and stick to them.

** The Atkins Diet The Atkins diet is by far one of the most popular low carb diets on the planet. It's principle is to help you lose weight by removing carbohydrates from your diet which enables the body to start using and burning off the excess energy/fats that your body stores up.

You will go through a 2 week ketosis process of only eating 20 grams of carbs per day and also eating a high protein diet of fish, meats and vegetables. Once the 2 weeks is finished, you will then increase your carb levels untill they keep you at your desired weight.

The Atkins website has lots of information that you can download for free. This should give you all the details you need to start including exactly what you can and cannot eat as well as detailing the whole process.

The Atkins Diet give a rapid weight loss for most people in just 2 weeks, so is well worth trying.

About the Author Russell Clark owns and operates the website

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Vanilla Wafer Banana Pudding -- Made From Scratch, With Love  

Because its cold out and were living in stressful times, Im going to share my beloved recipe for Vanilla Wafer Banana Pudding -- one of the greatest comfort foods of all time. We all need a little bit of solace these days, and this is one of the best ways I know for achieving it. Sure, you could open a box of instant vanilla pudding and whisk in some milk to make a faster and easier version of this sublime dessert; but it takes very little effort to make this from scratch, and the flavor is incomparable. Even if you dont consider yourself mu
h of a cook, you can still make this recipe very easily:

In a medium saucepan, stir together 3 tablespoons cornstarch, 1 cup sugar, and a pinch of salt. Add 1 cup of boiling water, and bring the entire mixture to a boil while stirring constantly. Cook just until thickened, and then stir in 2 cups half-and-half and 2 beaten eggs. Cook over medium heat, still stirring constantly, until thickened and the mixture coats the back of a spoon. Stir in the juice of half a lemon and 1 tablespoon of pure vanilla extract (double-strength would be best, if youve got it). Refrigerate the pudding until cool, then stir in 3 sliced bananas. (Soak the banana slices in a bowl of water to which the juice from the other lemon half has been added, to keep them from browning.)

In a glass bowl, layer one-third of the pudding, then top it with a single layer of vanilla wafers; repeat the layering with more pudding and another single layer of wafers, and then top the bowl off with the last of the pudding. Crumble a few of the cookies, and sprinkle them on top. Voila! With very little effort, youve made a vanilla wafer banana pudding to surprise your family for dessert!

This is a very special treat -- a simple thing, but one thats rich enough to be considered a luxury. It is truly a perfect way to care for your family, and to show them how much you love them when they come in from the cold or after a long hard day. Vanilla Wafer Banana Pudding is sweet and soothing a security blanket with a spoon.

About the Author:

Rawleigh Products was founded in the late 1800s to create a line of "Good Health Products" that possessed both strength and quality. Visit or Call # 1-800-992-1089

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Spanish tapas - the small plate with the BIG flavour!  

Tapas is at the very heart of Spanish lifestyle and culture. Everywhere you go in Spain you will find lively and noisy bars serving small plates of superb flavours and local delicacies. Now, throughout the world, tapas has become a popular and healthy addition to the many food styles and cuisines available to us today.

Imagine yourself on the terrace of an informal Spanish tapas bar. All around you, lively locals are engaged in animated conversation over their evening drinks. The atmosphere is buzzing - and loud!In front of you
is a carafe of house wine, two glasses and your best friend. As you are chatting and enjoying the ambience, you are both picking at a small plate of mixed tapas with your fingers. (Only tourists use a fork!)There is serrano ham (jamon), some chorizo, maybe some Manchego cheese and some olives. You have some extra-virgin olive oil dribbled onto your plate and a little basket of fresh crusty bread to mop it up with.

The setting sun is warm on your face, the air is heavy with scent and you've just found the true flavour of the real Spain. Your very own little piece of tapas heaven!

But what is tapas and where did it originate?

Tapas is simply a small snack or appetiser taken with a drink or two at lunchtime or in the early evening before the main meal. The Spanish generally won't drink without eating something and originally these small snacks were given free to anyone who bought a drink. Now almost all bars will charge you for anything other than maybe a bowl of olives. The origins of tapas are the subject of many an argument in the local bar. (It seems to depend on which area of Spain you are from!) It is said that the first tapa was simply a hunk of bread which was placed over the glass to keep the flies out. Hence the word 'tapas' was born. Tapa literally meaning 'cover' or 'lid'. In the beginning somewhere must have been the humble olive. What better accompaniment to a glass of dry fino sherry? Or perhaps some almonds; fried in olive oil, sprinkled with salt and served while they're still hot? These are the original tapas; the simplest of foods, requiring little or no preparation. As the tradition developed, tapas became more of an elaborate event, with each region developing their own specialities. They were still 'little dishes' but the personalities of thousands of bar owners has stamped them with the identities that they have today. Such is the diversity of tapas that in bars all over Spain and the world you can order virtually anything that takes your fancy. From an exotically-flavoured, spicy Moorish dish to a simple bowl of olives, the choice is entirely yours.

But oh, my friend, what a choice it is!

How about a plate of succulent, wafer-thin slices of serrano ham or jamon iberico? If you haven't tried this yet then you have missed out on one of life's gastronomic pleasures. It truly is heaven on a small plate! A glass of Manzanilla sherry with some salty and nutty Manchego cheese is very popular with the Spanish locals. It doesn't come much simpler and it takes some serious beating. All these wonderful flavours and we haven't even started cooking yet!Spain's landscape is extremely diverse and covers areas such as mountain ranges and dusty plains, olive and fruit groves plus fertile orchards and rich arable lands. Spain also has climate extremes. Regions that are cold and wet, regions that are hot and dry, and just about everything in between. It has a huge coastline, facing both the Atlantic ocean and the Mediterranean sea. Hardly surprising then, that the cuisine of its coastal regions is very heavily based on fish and seafood.

The northern coastal regions have both fish and seafood from the Atlantic ocean and some of the finest cattle, sheep and dairy foods in Spain. The climate here is relatively cold and wet so recipes tend to be hearty, warming and filling. The hot southern coastal region is the land of olives, olive oil and sizzling fried fish from around the long coastline. The food of the eastern coast is exciting and richly varied. Here there are groves of oranges and almonds, large market gardens, rice fields, aromatic herbs and noticeable similarities with French mediterranean food. The western and central areas are lands of hardy countrymen, lamb and pig roasts and simple hearty cooking with many stew-type dishes. Also from here comes Spain's best-known cheese: Manchego, as well as many other sheeps' milk cheeses.

A brief history.

Tapas has evolved throughout the country's long history and through the incorporation of many ingredients and influences from different cultures and countries. The east coast was invaded by the Romans, who introduced the olive and irrigation methods. The invasion of the north-African Moors in the 8th century also brought olives to the south, as well as almonds, citrus fruits and fragrant spices. The influences of their 700 year occupation remain today, especially in Andalucia. The discovery of the New World brought with it the introduction of tomatoes, sweet peppers (capiscums), chilli peppers, beans and potatoes. These were readily accepted and easily grown in Spain's ideal micro-climates.

Spanish food, and especially tapas, is based on simple methods and the imaginative use of seasonal vegetables and local ingredients. You can make your tapas with anything you like, there are no 'specific to tapas' ingredients. Although to fully experience Spanish tapas at its best you should try a few of the classic dishes like tortilla (omelette), albondigas (meatballs) and calamares (squid). Tapas is essentially hearty and unpretentious. Ingredients are fresh, flavours are robust and recipes are easy. Preparation and presentation is generally pretty straightforward.

Why do they eat this way?

Tapas is essentially a style of eating rather than a form of cooking. It means sociability, friends and family. People of a like mind talking and drinking in a relaxed atmosphere while nibbling away on little bites of intense flavour. You can keep it simple or you can make it as complicated as you like but whichever way you prefer it, tapas is best served with an early evening drink among friends and lively company. You will not, I promise you, find a more pleasurable and flavour-filled experience anywhere in the world. Wherever you live, these 'little dishes' will give you a tasty little mouthful of the real Spain. So sit back, take your time and enjoy your tapas to the full. There is no better way to sample the real essence of Spanish life and culture.

About the Author Steve Lean is a writer, photographer and Spanish food nut. He lives in Andalucia, southern Spain and is the webmaster of Proper Spanish Tapas where you can find recipes, ingredients and 'everything you ever wanted to know about tapas - the small plate with the BIG flavour!'

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Woman Thou Art GREAT  

"Be not afraid of greatness,
some are born great,
some achieve greatness
and others have greatness
thrust upon them."

-William Shakespeare

You are GREAT!
No matter what aspersions have been cast upon you by either yourself or by others, you were born for GREATNESS. Greatness is within you Woman. It is true. Deep within every woman alive is the seed of the awareness of her queenhood. In her soul every woman knows that she is infinitely more than the prime cuts of meat that popular culture attempt
to dissect females into. I know this because I live this. As a child I was never accepted. I was called ugly, useless, "black" & stupid. I was the offspring of a domestically violent household. My mother eventually escaped with my siblings and I to live on welfare and government cheese in Detroit City.
By 15 my virginity was stolen from me by a 24 year old child rapist. By 16 I was drinking and trying to forget myself. By 17 I was suicidal. By the age of 18 wounded by a difficult childhood and troubled teenaged years, I got pregnant with the first of my 3 children. I was a mess...yet there was GREATNESS within that mess. GREATNESS is within you too.
In order to be useful to you, I had to go through a process. This process was very painful. In this process I might have perished. It continues. This process is more commonly known as "life." My demise, however, though supported by this world, was not sanctioned by the Universe. By God I am still here. You could have died before reaching and reading these words, yet you are still here. We are here! We have arrived in this moment for a reason and with a divine Purpose.

When you learn...
When you get...

-Maya Angelou, Our Grandmothers

When I was just a little brown baby girl hiding and cringing in the closet listening to my mama being beaten, GREATNESS was within me. When I was just a skinny little 15 year old Black girl in Detroit City being physically threatened, emotionally annihilated and spiritually devastated, GREATNESS was within me. I was a Queen, but I did not know it yet.
When I wallowed in despair weeping as a young adult in the wake of self-destruction and negativity, GREATNESS was within me but I did not know it yet. When I cried alone as a poverty stricken unwed teenaged mother, GREATNESS was within me but I did not know it yet. As I bore the weight of being a divorced single parent of three children thumbing through my food-stamps, GREATNESS was within me but I did not know it yet. While lying up under benighted males in search of love and validation as a lost woman, GREATNESS was within me but I did not know it yet. As I walked across the stage to collect my BA then my MA degrees, thinking that they were legitimizing me, true GREATNESS was within me, I thought I knew but I did not know true GREATNESS yet. God knew it though. My Purpose is to proclaim the Creator's gift of GREATNESS within YOU as I reveal it within myself.

No one, no, nor no one million
ones dare deny me God, I go forth
alone, and stand as ten thousand.

-Maya Angelou, Our Grandmothers

I have suffered. You have suffered. Women have suffered uniquely in patriarchal society. With women of color, the double whammy of simultaneous sexism and racism can be particularly devastating. Let us consider the resultant GREATNESS of women who have gone through great trials and lessons. Everyone who has achieved any substantive modicum of greatness has suffered in one way or another. Our pain makes human. Overcoming our suffering through perseverance, grace, wisdom and determination exemplifies triumph over adversity. This is how we tap into the inexhaustible Source. Our suffering becomes our strength. This strength is our gift from the Creator to the rest of the world.

... All my life I have always known I was born to greatness.

It's time to reclaim your rightful inheritance. Ascend the throne beloved daughter of the most high God. Your prison is an illusion. Your smallness is a lie. God sent you here directly from Heaven. Woman thou art loosed. Woman thou art beautiful. Woman thou art loved. Woman thou art powerful. Woman thou art safe. Woman thou art successful. Woman thou art free...

Woman thou art GREAT!
About the Author LB Lacey, MA. is CEO of SOULutions for Dynamic Living, LLC, a holistic consulting service dedicated to providing products and services that support individuals in their intention to live dynamically and effectively in the world. LB is a holistic (meaning "whole") modality based practitioner.

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Handbags and Women - Choice or Biological Destiny?  

Handbags have been one of the necessities of life for women ever since recorded history began. It was important to have the items that one used often close at hand and articles found in a purse have ranged from ornate sewing scissors (17th century)to todays mandatory cell phone and credit cards.

Why is it that women carry their belongings around and men just have their wallets? My opinion is that the need to carry something to hold goods is a fundamental need rooted in the biology of females. Who is the main caregiver of the family f
om prehistory to the present? Yes, I know that traditional roles are gradually evolving but what person in the "traditional" family is the most responsible for taking care of everyone? In most cases, it it the woman who gets people organized and make sure everyone has whatever they need.

Biologically speaking, the female of our species takes care of her offspring and makes sure that all needs will be taken care of once the home is left. I believe that this has evolved into women carrying all that they need and what everyone else could possibly want in their handbag. To illustrate - when you go out with a male friend do you ask him for tissues, pen, or paper? No - you ask another female. Another nuturer is more likely to have some basic necessities than a male.

Am I saying that there is a basic "purse carrying" gene? No - what I am saying is that, biologically speaking, females are the caregivers of the world and have always had this role thrust upon them since the beginning of Homo sapiens. It is our destiny (both physically and psychologically) to make sure that the world is in order. We can't handle the entire planet but we do our best to organize our own particular sphere! Our "caregiving" instincts are attuned to others and, if we fight this destiny, there is a feeling of things not being "quite right" around us. So enjoy carrying your handbag and know that you are making the global community a better place for all!
About the Author Henrietta is a handbag designer and can be found at

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Understand Law Of Attraction - Tips To Really Experience It  

The Law of Attraction - it's a recent concept that the scientific community is finally acknowledging that exists. Yet, most of society does not see it that way since it is fairly new. So how do we get one see that the Law of Attraction is real? How can we convince one person to see that what you want and what you get are two separate things?

The Power of Wishing & the Law of Attraction

The first thing to do is to imagine something you terribly want. Something you know could not ever happen. Imagine yourself with
what you want, touching it and feeling it. Then should everything go well and the way you want, then your dreams should come true.

Despite the power of wishing, you need to be realistic. Case in point with wanting dessert after supper, just because you wish you could have dessert after your supper, does not always make it so.

Society nowadays is a lot more cautious especially with fraud cases becoming more and more frequent and people being more aware of them. No wonder it is getting harder and harder to prove that the Law of Attraction is what the person experienced.

Law of Attraction tests

How can we test the Law of Attraction so it is easy to understand? Let us try this experiment. It is simple and require things easily found in a household. Take a small bit of carpet and a glass of grape juice. Can you see where this is heading? The idea is to fill a glass full of grape juice...indeed to the very tip and walk across the "white" carpet without spilling a single drop.

If you do not happen to have carpeting, then it would be irrelevant to try the experiment. There is another people can try. Even if you have never played golf, try playing it for this idea. Find a hole that already has water in it. The idea is to hit the ball over the danger. Imagine the ball going over the hole as you hit the ball with the golf club. What was the end result? Did your ball go into the water?

If you decided to do the two experiments and it did not go the way you wanted, then you were probably asking for it. You, more than likely, thought in the back of your mind about not spilling the glass of grape juice or doing a good golf shot. These were only two things in the mass of other signals we do not think of because they happen often. Imagine all the things we miss just because of this oversight?

Remember, the Law of Attraction is giving us what we asked for. In both of these "examples", they fell into the negative side instead of the positive one because a bad result came out in each one.

If one person is convinced about the Law of Attraction being real, then that is one less person to convince and one more to convince others. If you understand the Law of Attraction, then you might be on your way to create a more happier lifestyle. If not though, then it means it will only be faith, nothing more. Yet, most scientists understand it is the law that something does happen.

About the Author:

Abhishek is a self-development expert and he has got some great tips on The Law Of Attraction . Download his FREE 48 Pages Ebook, "How To Be The Creator Of Your Own Life!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

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4 Amazing Tips To Successfully Persuade Anyone  

Having excellent persuasion skills is one of the most important abilities to possess in today's fast-paced world. We need thesupport and cooperation of other people to help us in reachingour goals. The saying "No man is an island" is an undeniable truth.

Here are some hot tips to effectively influence and persuadeanyone you desire.

1) Enter their world.

You must understand the situation according to their point of view. Set aside your personal interests and concentrate onthem.

ust pretend that if you are them, what would you do? What would be your opinion? Then take the appropriate action thatwould be beneficial to them.

Copy them. Observe how they act, how they speak, and how they think. If they rub their forehead while they think, act like them. If they speak at a clear and slow pace, try to do the same thing. This is called mirroring.

In due time, the people you're mirroring will subconsciouslyfeel more comfortable with you. It's as if they see themselves in you.

However, you must proceed with caution. Do not let them be aware that you are copying them. They might interpret it as mockery and you'll just get into trouble.

2) Be Friendly and Nice.

Smile to brighten up the day. Make a sincere compliment toraise their spirits. Little things like these count a lot.

Make them feel that whenever they need help or just someone to look up to, you'll always be there to lend a hand. Theywould tend to be more receptive to people that they trust.

If you want to ask your boss a favor, do everything you can to please him. Overdeliver and exceed his expectations.Soon, he will notice your efforts and will be more than glad to grant your request.

3) Provide them with compelling evidence.

Explain to them how your ideas or suggestions could be themost effective techniques to implement. Show them undeniableproof that you have the best product by way of testimonials,before and after scenarios, and detailed comparisons against your competitors. Just make sure that all your claims aretrue and verifiable. Always maintain a good reputation.

4) Meet their existing needs and desires.

People are self-centered. They are initially concerned with their own well-being before others. If you can prove that your proposal will provide more advantageous benefits to them than to your own, then they will probably accept it.

If you could focus more on their interests, desires, needs, and expectations, then you would satisfy their cravings for attention. Moreover, it would show that you really care about them. Mutual trust and respect would be established.

This is the most important thing to remember when persuadinganyone. No matter how close you are to becoming like them or how overwhelming your evidence is, if it does not satisfy the"What's In It For Me?" test, your persuasion efforts will notproduce satisfactory results. Always bear in mind how they will benefit from your actions.

About the Author

Michael Lee is the author of "How To Be A Red Hot
Persuasion Wizard," an ebook that reveals shocking secrets on how to get anything you want. Learn how to fully improve your relationships, explode your profits, win arguments, and magically influence others.
Grab a sample chapter at

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The Best Routine I've Ever Done...  

Keep your routines interesting and you too can avoid the plateau that everybody else is going to be talking about!

"The best routine I've ever done, is the one I haven't done."

Think about that for just a minute. Let it settle in.

If you've been doing the same routine day in and day out, year after year, wonder why you aren't getting the gains you wanted... this statement should really hit home.

For starters, the more variety you can incorporate into your routines, even the small
st changes, will help:

  • to prevent injury
  • to avoid injury
  • add to muscle confusion principles
  • avoid boredom
  • reduces overtraining

For all these reasons (and this list isn't even near complete), doing something as simple as adding variety to your routine will help keep your workouts interesting and your body growing.

Imagine this for a second will you?I've been working out for 16 years. I've tried many routines. Some I liked, others I hated. But I was searching for the perfect routine. One I liked that I could just keep doing over and over and progressing.

Then it hit me!When I found a routine I liked and stuck with it for a long period of time (2 months or more) I noticed something:

  • Boredom sets in
  • Repetitive injuries would occur more frequently
  • My progress slowed then stopped

There's no golden routine! Too many people are set in their ways. The minute they find something they like, that's it. Done deal. They don't change. And after some months, they really don't change.

Frustration sets in, they wonder why and they hit plateaus.

But let's suppose you were like me and you just keep trying new programs and new routines.

Would it be possible not to ever hit a plateau again?It just might be! And that should excite you. The more variety in exercises, tempos, repetition speeds you can create, the more challenging it is to you and the more progressive overload you can deliver to your body.

How does your body respond?It grows. It cannot adapt because there's nothing to adapt to.

Here's a little test:

1- Go to your gym2- Pick a person out you see often3- Observe them for as long as possible4- Do they look different? (Can you see changes)5- Are they doing the same things over and over?(I see people at my gym that I know their routine. They do the same things every time I see them without fail. They look the same since they joined over 5 years ago).

Do you qualify as one of these people?Don't worry, it's easy to avoid this if you simply follow this single tip:

  • Learn as many exercise variations as you possibly can
  • Why is this so important?

Because if you know 300 ways to workout your legs, you will never have to repeat a workout and you will never adapt. You will not get bored as you will have many ways to workout a muscle group. Your body will be challenged. Your mind will be challenged as well.

How can you do this?Educate yourself with as many sources as you can.

Of course you can repeat exercises.

My point is...

"The best routine I've ever done, is the one I haven't done."

Keep your routines interesting and you too can avoid the plateau that everybody else is going to be talking about!

About the Author The Beginner's Guide to Fitness and Bodybuilding System is the routine you've never done. Learn how to avoid boredom, discover sources for exercises and make the best gains of your life. Check it outat

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What Is Addiction  

What is Addiction?

Addiction is a chronic, often relapsing brain disease that causes compulsive drug seeking and use despite harmful consequences to the individual who is addicted and to those around them.

There now that we know how the experts define addiction, lets undertake to find out what the people afflicted with this malady have to say.

According to some with whom I have dealt over the past 14 years + the descriptions run the gamut from escape, to self realization/actualization. Aside from
the obvious side effects which are inherent with addiction, and the propensity of the addict to engage in activities which are bound to effect a loss of freedom, what really happens to keep the addict addicted to his/her substance of choice?

On many occasions, I have had the opportunity to sit and just talk with a multitude of addicts and really tried to listen to what they had to say in describing themselves and their habits. Accordingly these people's addiction were classified differently, some were sex addicts, some were addicted to substance, some were addicted to gambling, etc, etc, etc.

The list of addictions would take up about a ream of paper, the point of interest to at least me anyway was that every time I had the opportunity to speak to a person that was addicted, aside from the terminology used, and the explicative being deleted, the substance of the conversation was always the same.

The basic make up of an addict is:

  1. The person is male/female or whatever.

  2. The person is white, black, brown, yellow, red, blue, pink or whatever.

  3. The person is between the ages of 1 month to 100 years.

  4. The economic status is poor low, poor middle, poor upper, middle low, middle middle, middle upper, rich low, rich middle, rich upper.

  5. The person's educational level is drop out, high school graduate, associate/bachelor/ masters degree, post graduate, doctoral degree.

  6. The person's religious ideology is Christian, Catholic, Jewish, Islam, etc, etc, etc.

In basic language, there is no predisposing sexual, racial, age specific, economic oriented, educational level determining factor that leads someone to becoming an addict. The addiction started when the person was first offered a substance, or situation that lent itself to transporting that person to a place of self identified safety or power. Within this sphere of safety or power, the person was beyond the harmful reach of today. This feeling has been described as Nirvana, Shangri-La, return to the womb, getting into, dropping out, getting wasted, getting high, etc, etc, etc. Once this alteration in reality is experienced, the desire to return to that same feeling is overwhelming to say the least. This is the "Virgin High", reached only once and never again. The pursuit of this "Virgin High" starts the pathological behaviors that we recognize as part of the "Addictive Behavior"

About the Author:

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The Happening Honolulu Hawaii Restaurants And Microbrewery  

Hawaii Honolulu is popular because of many reasons. People from various countries love to visit these places, because of the culture, and the sports and the happening lives of the people who live here. The best part of these places are the night life of these places, the more deep is the night, the more lively these places become. The people here party all the night, and there party usually ends up in the morning. People, who come to visit these places from other parts of the world, feel mesmerized with the rich and colourful cultures of Haw
ii and Honolulu.
Today, Hawaii Honolulu is considered as one of the happening places amongst the world, and with this opportunity different bars and restaurants are trying their luck in this place every day. The travellers, the party lovers, the food lovers everyone love to visit this place, because it has everything which can attract them. The best attraction is the Honolulu Hawaii Restaurant Microbrewery Hawaii. Here the customer can drink, eat and party all at the same time. The interiors of these places never fail to attract the visitors, and if you visit once you will visit again for sure. Because, Honolulu Hawaii is famous for its night life, you can find happy hour sports bar Honolulu Microbrewery Hawaii. If you think it's just another dining and drinking place, then you are guessing it wrong big time.
In different Hawaii Bars and Restaurants Microbrewery and Hawaii Happy Hour Sports Bar Microbrewery you can find a wide range of delicious food, and attractive range of drinks. In these restaurants, weekend is usually the most crowded time. It may sometimes take a lot of time from your schedule, but in the end when you will taste the food, all complains will be gone for sure. And no matter how long you need to, you may end up reserving a lunch or dinner table for the next day, because you know this variety and quality of foods can deserve another visit of yours. Here you can get, Hawaiian Barbecue Chicken, Blackened Ahi and Shrimp, shrimp and Egg Pad Thai, Furikake Crusted Fresh Island fish along with a delicious dessert menu that includes with tiramisu, cheesecake and Banana bread pudding. But if you feel these are enough, then hold on, because the star attractions of these places are the handcrafted designer beer which will surely attract you. If you are a first timer, you can find small sample glasses for your help, so that you can choose the best for you.
Hawaii Honolulu is famous for there scenic beauty too. It gives you a different sensation while sitting in front of the sea, the breezes are swiping your hair, and you are relaxing with chilled beer. Not only for your family, these restaurants have all the facilities and arrangements so that they can anytime arrange an official cocktail party, with whatever menu you want from the Hawaiian delicacies. You can find a lot of brew pub who can arrange wine and other drinks for such parties. So from now on, you can enjoy your official tour with your family, and your destination will be same, Honolulu and Hawaii.

About the Author:

Shawn Shelton a Hawaii brewery guide reviews Brew Pub, Hawaii Bars Restaurants, Hawaii Private Party Catering Service, Hawaii Corporate Theme Parties.

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