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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 21 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Slow-cook Once For Multiple Healthy Meals  

I have found a wonderful way to save even more time with the slowcooker and that is to cook a few days worth of meat at once, then use the cooked meat for a few nights worth of upcoming meals. You will need a large slowcooker for this; if you don't have a large slowcooker, don't go out and buy one brand new since they are abundant at thrift stores.

Because I am working at healthier meals for my family, this article will be referring to boneless skinless chicken breast, but the idea can be applied with any meat.

The first
ay, after spraying the slow cooker with non-stick cooking spray (great tip for easy clean-up), I added a few cut-up carrots to the bottom of the crock and seasoned them with seasoning salt. You could add any vegetables of your choice that would go with any of your upcoming meals. Then I added layers of boneless skinless chicken breast to the top (probably around 3-4 lbs. worth), seasoning each layer with fresh chopped garlic and seasoning salt (an added benefit... your house will smell SO good all day long). Be sure to trim any fat off the breast before adding to the pot. I added about 1/2 cup of water, placed the lid on top & turned the slow cooker on to low & cooked about 8 hours. Very easy work for enough succulent cooked meat for at least 3 days' meals!

MEAL #1: The first night we had chicken sandwiches. After spraying a pan with non-stick cooking spray, I toasted onion buns over medium heat, then let the family add their own condiments like sliced tomato and onion, lettuce, mayonnaise, mustard, etc., and a piece of the cooked chicken. They were delicious! I served oven fries with the sandwiches... simply slice potatoes, put them on a baking sheet sprayed with non-stick cooking spray, spray the potatoes with the spray, season and cook at 400F for 40-60 minutes. These are better than the ones drenched in oil... honestly, and I am one that loves deef-fried french fries and all the fattening foods!

MEAL #2: Since I have some more onion buns from meal #1, I will make a delicious barbecue sauce (you can use bottled if you prefer), then add chunked up chicken to the sauce and serve that over the toasted onion buns. We'll have the carrots that were cooked with the chicken and baked potatoes on the side.

MEAL #3: I'll make a delicious marinara sauce, then add cut-up cooked chicken to it & serve over spaghetti with garlic bread on the side. A great way to add flavor and nutrients to spaghetti or marinara sauce is to add finely minced carrots, celery or other vegetables to the sauce. You can saute them along with the onions, or add them straight to the sauce.

These are just a few ideas. Chicken is so versatile that there are endless ideas for using the cooked meat in meals. You could do salads, soups, casseroles and more. If you are making a soup, be sure to use the delicious broth that this creates!

I hope this gives you inspiration for dusting off your slow cooker and putting it to use... they are such a great way to save time, even if you use them for one nights' meal.

If you are interested in slow cooker recipes, check out The Slowcooker E-Cookbook here: If you are interested in chicken recipes, check out the Down Home Chicken Recipe E-book here: Get Monica's FREE weekly e-zine for homemakers! To subscribe, just send a blank e-mail to:

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