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10 Easy Ways To Attract A Woman  

Dating women can be easy and successful if you make it easy for yourself. Follow these simple rules to make dating easier, easier on yourself and attractive to the type of women you dream about.

1 Be yourself &' women admire the man who is his own person
Dont keep looking for her approval. Assume you will have her approval in whatever you do or suggest. In other words act confidently. A woman wants a confident man, someone she can look up to.

2 Dont invite her out on a date until yo
know she is keen

Before that try to develop a friendship. Do informal activities like tennis, golf, cycling or visit museums or art galleries, somewhere where there is a focus. NEVER EVER ask a new woman: Would you like to go out with me? She will take one look at you and most probably imagine you as her husband, lover and father of her children.

If she doesnt know you very well this may not be a pleasing picture. You cant blame her for thinking no way because who would want to mother 3 children with an almost perfect stranger and quite often dating does lead to all those things.

Instead of come out with me, try: Would you like a hit of tennis at the weekend? What suits you best, Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning?

3 Take it slowly. Its important not to rush it.

In other words dont rush out and buy her a mink coat on day one. If you invite her out to dinner (the works) before you are sure of your ground you may put her off before she has decided whether you are the one. Take it slowly. In fact dont buy her anything until you have established that she is interested. You cant buy her love even though many men are tempted to do this. Wait until you have moved from just friends to an affectionate relationship before you spend your hard earned cash on a woman.

If you try to buy her she will soon see through you and (if she is not a gold-digger) she will feel as though you doing just that. Even when a woman likes a guy she can be put off if she feels he is trying to buy her.

4 Dont rely on initial chemistry to get you the woman you want

Chemistry for women is a fickle emotion. Even if she feels chemistry with you initially, but you dont ring her when you say you will or cant remember what she told you yesterday the chemistry disappears just as quickly as it ignited. I have known women who have felt chemistry 6 months after they met their partner. They were just friends for the first 6 months and after getting to know their men in depth, the chemistry kicked in.

Men see women feel. If you listen to her, call when you say you will, display good manners and are relaxed and easy company you have a much better chance of her feeling chemistry with you rather than the really good looking fellow who doesnt ring when he says he will.

5 Develop a strong sense of self worth

More than anything a woman wants to admire you. Love is based on admiration and respect. If you develop a strong sense of your own self worth so will she. If you think that tall, wealthy guys get all the girls what you are doing (if you are just an average guy) is putting yourself down. Now women want to look up to you. How can she do that if you put yourself down?

A good tip is to develop a Gloat Sheet: list all your successful pursuits, scholastic achievements, career successes and sporting achievements. Dont show it to a woman, (play it cool) but keep your positives in mind to help you build a strong sense of self worth. She doesnt need you to tell her all your successes at once, your genuine friends (and if she approves) your mother will pass those on for you at the appropriate time.

6 Be strong and powerful

Attractive women dont go for nice guys? Thats too easy. She goes for the one who appears to be strong and powerful. Women really admire powerful men.

How does one appear strong and powerful with a woman? If you are a Mr Nice Guy with women, try acting more powerful. How? Watch the guys who do attract the best looking women.

7 Strong men wont be henpecked nor allow her to run roughshod over him

Women dont admire men who dont stand up for themselves. She likes strong men not weak men. So dont put up with more than you should. Know when to draw the line. She wants to respect you so respect yourself by having boundaries. If she oversteps your boundaries speak up in a voice loud enough to be heard.

8 Strong and powerful men dont diminish their power in front of a woman by telling her how they feel for her too early

Telling her his feelings when he doesnt even know her well means two things:

a] He usually makes a fool of himself and powerful men dont do that. Strong powerful men dont wear their heart on their sleeve.

b] He will appear insincere because how could he feel for her when he hardly even knows her. She will think that if he falls for her that quickly he will change his mind just as quickly. It would be a risk to take him seriously.

3] She will think its most likely a pickup line and wont take him seriously.

The last thing you want is to make a fool of yourself or not be taken seriously so do yourself a favour and keep your feelings to yourself until you are sure she is interested.

9 If attracting a woman is a priority in your life make a study of it.

Read books on the subject, watch videos and talk to a married man you can trust. Married men have proved that they are successful therefore their advice is better than that of the guy who has a new woman every week.

Once you have studied, read, discussed until you really feel you know what to do practice without expecting to be successful at first. Remember Rule No.2. Dont invite her out with you at first, start off in a much more casual fashion. If she becomes your best friend the going will be easy from then on. I know guys who leave it to the women to make the first move and thats OK too. But you must follow through. If you ignore her advances you will lose her very quickly also.

10 Be in a relaxed frame of mind and dont let little things upset you

Above all make it fun, light and easy. If you look tense she will feel it. She may even think, Is this guy going to try and rape me? Dont lose your temper with a waiter or at another driver whilst driving. Show her how easy it is to be with you. Remember your sense of humour and be able to laugh at yourself. If you make mistakes laugh at yourself. Women like men who can laugh at themselves.

She will want to see you again if she has fun, you are easy to be with and you can laugh.

See my free on-line dating site:

About the Author:

Irene Lambert established LeCouple Free On-Line Dating Site in 2004. It's fun to see people meet their match on-line. Many hundreds have found their match through LeCouple over the past 4 years.

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