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วันพุธที่ 27 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Natural Organic Weight Loss  

Natural weight Loss and  sensible care for your body is the best way to boost your immune system, and  also live a happy healthy life. Here are some sensible  tips to regain a slim looking you!

Change your Life to Change your weight!

If you are trying to lose weight then no doubt you will find it to be a rather miserable process. It all starts with trying to sift through the hundreds of different diets, slimming supplements that all promise fast weight loss. The sales pages probably show you a model &
39;before and after' and you may think that this really can be the answer to what you have been looking for. If you have been enjoying life to the fullest you may have been going a little overboard eating the delightful goodies and tasty foods that are everywhere to be seen. Perhaps certain life style changes have led you to seek comfort in food and to your horror you looked at someone completely different in the mirror one morning all pudgy around the edges.  It is then that you panicked and went look for a program that promises fast weight loss; because you realize right there and then its time to make a change.

Common Sense fast Weight Loss Guides

Depending on your physical condition it may be sensible to take a trip to the doctors' office and let them know that you are planning to lose some weight. No doubt they will approve and perhaps even make some suggestions to help you. Just remember; that it goes without saying, a slimmer looking body means more confidence, better health and for that matter even better sex. There are many more advantages to slimming down but no doubt you already know them by now. What you need to get started on your road to weight loss is a positive mindset. Forget about fast weight loss diets and books that promise a new you within weeks. You really need to follow a sensible weight loss plan. Sure, you CAN take healthy weight loss supplements to help you but make sure that they are really worth it first.

Follow these sensible guides; Really!

Firstly: It is not impossible to achieve fast weight loss if you follow a certain planned technique that consists of the right amount of exercise and some healthy weight loss supplements like we mentioned above. You have to remember that you need fast weight loss, which is also permanent weight loss, otherwise you will end up regaining lost weight after you finish the program. You need to start with subtle changes in your eating patterns and your lifestyle as well. Doing so, will not shock your system and your body will slowly become accustomed to the new changes in eating and exercise.  As soon as overweight people hear the word exercise most may run a mile. Exercise can also be really enjoyable as well. How about swimming, walking in the park with the dog, playing with the kids, or even repainting your entire house. It is not necessary to go to gym and get stared at either. If you want you can even buy an exercise bike or other equipment to help you.

Secondly: Set yourself some realistic goals. There is no doubt you have heard this before in every weight loss guide. You want fast weight loss; certainly, but no matter how fast the weight is going to come off, it might not be as a fast as YOU want it. Lose the scale as well. Weighing yourself every hour or day is going to ruin your mindset and motivation. When you start feeling your clothes loosen then you will be excited enough. You must be determined to see your weight loss through to your desired goals everything will fall into place with that.

Thirdly: pay attention to the changes in your body, No matter what program of fast weight loss you are on, or slimming supplements you are taking, your body metabolism is going to respond. If you are having negative reactions then the fast weight loss plan may be a little too fast. It may mean leaving the slimming pills or appetite suppressants out as well if you are using them to speed up losing weight. The same advice goes when it comes to exercise. There is definitely no need to punish your self. Initially you are going to so stiff you may walk like a robot without oil. Slowly but surely build up in exercise which will burn the extra fat and calories you consume, and the stiffness will loosen up because after all this is the result of old muscles being rebuilt.  Muscles are good, because they will burn more calories up and you will start looking firm and trim.    

Fourthly: remember we mentioned changing eating patterns above? Try and eat food that is rich in fibers because it makes a person full sooner, and additionally stays in the tummy longer, thus slowing down the rate of your digestion.  Also try and get used to buying and eating whole grain bread because it moves fats through your digestive system faster.  This bread is also delicious and you will soon grow to like it. By the way, there are also a few varieties on the market so there is sure to be one that suits your taste.  Obviously stay away from fatty fried foods, and in particular deep-fried foods as these contain a great deal of fat.  If you learn how to grill food properly you will discover that this is both healthy and the food will taste a lot better as well.

Lastly: drink more water like everyone will keep telling you.  Drinking a minimum of 6 or more average size glasses of water each day helps rid the body of toxins and at the same time keeps the body hydrated and refreshed. Fast weight loss or any diet for that matter depends on how your body eliminates wastes and this is why liquids are vital. Stick to the plan above and be consistent.

Fast weight loss is possible if you really make proper changes to your lifestyle from day one, and you need to be consistent to follow them through. If you return to your old habits you will be doomed. Remember; all food can taste good depending on how it's prepared. There is also nothing wrong with treating your self occasionally to something really decadent. After all you are living a new lifestyle already after losing those pounds and something special now and again should not be the end of the world.

 Natural Health And Well Being

About the Author

Richard has been researching the internet for quality health, weight loss, and beauty products to keep people informed and able to enjoy a better quality of Life since 2005. You can use this information with confidence to look good and feel great.


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Times Are Changing for Woman Entrepreneurs  

Although the definition of an entrepreneur, "One who undertakes to conduct an enterprise assuming full control and risk." is not gender specific, it is no wonder that most entrepreneurs are men. Because women tend to undertake the greater share of raising children and keeping the house together, many women simply do not have the time to start a business!
As a woman entrepreneur, and the current President of the Women Entrepreneurs of Canada, (WEC), I have had the opportunity to take a close look at the issues that female busine
s owners face. At a recent international women's conference in Glasgow, the Bank of Scotland presented some of its research. According to the bank, women business owners tend to:
• under-capitalize their businesses at startup;
• have a disinclination to use debt finance and to be more risk averse than their male counterparts;
• use a higher proportion of their personal savings within their business, both at startup and development;
• be less confident than men about their knowledge and understanding of financial products and services.
…all of which can impact on financing and growing their businesses.
This may be exacerbated by the banks' historical unwillingness to treat their female business customers in the same manner as male customers. Women owned businesses tend to be more service oriented and therefore have less equity than male owned businesses—another reason banks can be skeptical.
Financing is crucial to all commerce, and perhaps managing money is most critical among small businesses, whether at the start or when expanding. The struggle to maintain adequate cashflow is constant among entrepreneurs. Is it any surprise then, that financial worry is the most prevalent cause of stress and insomnia!
With women generating forty percent of new start-ups, and one-third of self-employed proprietorships in Canada owned or led by women, women entrepreneurs have increased by more than two hundred per cent in the last twenty years. As a result, women are seeking more opportunities to grow their network and enhance their support systems.
The Women Entrepreneurs of Canada was founded in Toronto in 1992, as a resource, support and opportunity network for women in business. WEC promotes and fosters the success of women entrepreneurs in Canada and helps them define and achieve success on their own terms. WEC promotes the interests of women entrepreneurs in the larger business community; facilitates the transfer of relevant knowledge that is appropriate to WEC members; and partners with organizations both in Canada and abroad, such as the National Association of Women Business Owners in the USA, and international groups like Femmes Chefs d'Enterprises Mondiales and the Italian Associazione Imprenditrici e Donne Dirigenti D'Azienda, (see, to bring best practices, opportunities and resources to its members here.
It is often said that in unity there is strength, and I would say that goes double for the members of WEC. This is an organization where women can meet and mix with other women who face similar issues in starting, running, and growing their businesses. WEC is a resource that provides a unified voice to government and the public, pushing the issues of women entrepreneurs to the forefront. Recently, I had a chance to represent WEC before the Standing Committee on the Status of Women in Ottawa and I was able to convey our position on financing, statistical research, daycare, and maternity leave.
WEC recommends increased women's business research to create more opportunities for women while bringing what is known about women's businesses up-to-date.
And regarding maternity leave—as women employers do not have the same benefits as their employees; what might be done to level the playing field and extend that benefit to all as, for example, it is in Finland?
WEC is working hard to communicate a confident and refreshingly optimistic message about the future prospects for women and it is gratifying that the message is being heard. I urge any woman in business to find out more about WEC and the benefits of becoming a member by visiting the website at:

About the Author

Dr. Pirjo Friedman, D.D.S., was born in Finland and now practices in the Yorkville area of Toronto, Canada. She is a believer in natural therapies and the most modern dental techniques—used in her practice every day. She believes a patient should be able to relax during dental work. She is President of the Women Entrepreneurs of Canada.
She can be contacted at
For more information, see:

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How the power of attraction can help you get what you want?  

"Success is not to be pursued; it is to be attracted by the person we become"
said Jim Rohn, one of the world's leading motivational speaker, philosopher and entrepreneur. Every great achiever knows that certain mental laws exist by which you can turn all your dreams into reality. The law of attraction is one of the most important to understand,
use and abuse!

Like attracts like.

"For intelligence cleaveth unto intelligence; wisdom receiveth wisdom; truth embraceth truth; virtue loveth
virtue; light cleaveth unto light; mercy hath compassion on mercy and claimeth her own; justice continueth its course and claimeth its own." This ancient scripture summarize what the law of attraction is all about. It is attracting to your life whatever you give your attention, focus and energy to, whether wanted or unwanted. The Law of attraction can work for you or against you. It's all up to you. What are your main thoughts directed to: goals, success, achievement, wisdom, truth, love?

Simply ask yourself: "So, what do I want?"

Studies have shown that more than 90% of self-talk is negative. In other words, all day long, you fill your mind, consciously or not, with negative thoughts and unproductive feelings. You therefore get a corresponding life. The law of attraction doesn't know (and doesn't care) if this is a good or bad thought. It attracts whatever you're thinking about. The solution to a more successful life is simply asking yourself: "So, what do I really want?" Take some time to define your ideal lifestyle, in every aspect of your life: family, business, financial freedom... And now that you have defined these goals, use techniques like affirmations or visualization to literally flood your mind with positive, motivating thoughts and feelings.

Does everyone ELSE seems luckier?

A lot of people like the verb "to complain". This is because they don't want to take 100% responsibility for their lives. However, this is the solution. "Everyone seems luckier than me," they say. Luck is a shorter term for "applying the law of attraction into my life daily". You can be as "lucky" as anybody else. Follow some simple steps that every highly successful person will tell you: set goals, dream big dreams, fill your mind with these positive thoughts and emotions and let the Law of Attraction work for you.

What You Think Is What You Get

Your reality will represent what is going on in your mind and subconscious mind. Your attitude will be reflected back to you by the attitude of those close to you and around you on a daily basis. If you are positive and optimistic - you'll have positive and optimistic people around you.

Re-visit from time to time the definition: "the Law of Attraction is attracting to your life whatever you give your attention, focus and energy to, whether wanted or unwanted." It works all the time, everywhere, it's completely up to you to activate it. Set goals, long-
term goals and literally flood your mind with positive, motivating thoughts and feelings. This is how you become excellent, more prosperous and a successful entrepreneur.

About the Author The TOP 5 Secrets Of EVERY Highly Successful Person... Delivered To You FREE in your inbox!
Sign up for our FREE mini-course and receive amazing new tips every week, PLUS enter to win a subscription to Top Secret Niche Report. To subscribe, go to

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How Being Intentional Makes You Happy  

"Inspiration does not beget action. Action begets inspiration." - Chinese Proverb

This proverb succinctly sums up the power of intention. Nothing happens, nothing changes without intended action.

An intention can best be described as an aim guiding an action. What you intend, what you truly focus your energy on, will in some form be realized. The thought alone will not make the intention come true--rather, the outcome will be influenced by your desire combined with action steps, small or large. Clea
, achievable intentions lead to transformation.

When you are clear on your intentions, your expectations become realistic and achievable. That leads to less disappointment and more happiness. How many times have you found yourself wishing you'd done things differently? That party you planned just didn't come off exactly as you'd hoped. Your presentation did not have the desired effect. Your holiday was fun but it was not all you had hoped it would be.

If you want things to turn out in your favor start becoming more intentional. Here are three ways to support you to take intended action.

1. Know What You Want

As Steven Covey says "start with the end in mind." Whenever you are about to embark on new adventure ask yourself what you want it to look like. Get a clear picture in your mind. If you are thinking about booking your next holiday visualize what you truly desire...the location, the weather, the experience, the connections with people and how you will spend your time. Ask yourself, "What is my overall intention for this vacation."

2. Take Action

Knowing what you want is only half the equation. You must strike a plan to make it happen. If your intention is to have a relaxing, sun-filled vacation with your family, you need to share this vision with your family and take the desired steps to make it a reality. It is important to list the actions items that must take place. Then start checking them off, one by one...with some help, of course.

3. Solicit Support

Whatever you've got planned for you and/or your family, make sure you resist the urge to take on all the action steps yourself. In fact, be intentional about not doing it all. If your ideal family vacation has been imagined and the steps that need to be taken to realize it listed, then now's the time to get the right support to execute your plan. Maybe you need a travel agent, maybe your partner can research hotels, maybe the kids can start packing their bags. The point is to share the load and everyone becomes inspired and happier as a result.

About the Author Lisa Martin, PCC, is the author of Briefcase Moms: 10 Proven Practices to Balance Working Mothers' Lives. A working mother with 20 years of corporate and entrepreneurial experience, she is the founder and president of Briefcase Momsฎ, an international coaching and personal development company. Subscribe to her free newsletter at:

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How To Have Healthy Skin Using Safe, Non-Toxic Chemical-Free Skin Care Ingredients  

Have you ever wondered how to have healthy skin when the skin care products that line the shelves contain chemicals and other stuff you're allergic to?

It is rather difficult, however, with a little time spent on familiarizing yourself with ingredients that are unknown in the mainstream skin care industry your skin will in the end thank you for it.

In this how to have healthy skin article, I'll summarize a few substances that are safe, non-toxic and chemical-free skin care ingredients found in high quality skin
are products.

Let's face it, we all think about how to have healthy skin but don't know where to look for help when it comes to healthy skin care. Pollution, smoke and the sun are all factors that our skin has to deal with every day, but here are a few safe, non-toxic and chemical-free skin care ingredients that anyone can use to look younger and have healthier skin!

How to have healthy skin starts by learning about healthy, natural quality skin care products that help the skin's health. The key to healthy products is found in their natural ingredients. Ingredients such as: active New Zealand Manuka honey, avocado extract, and Shea butter are a few.

Other natural ingredients I want to bring to your attention are:

Natural Vitamin E -- A powerful antioxidant that reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and helps prevent age spots. Natural Vitamin E can also help decrease the effects of more serious skin conditions (psoriasis and erythema) and may help reduce the risk of skin cancer.

Phytessence Wakame -- A variety of Japanese Sea kelp. This natural ingredient is used for keeping skin smooth and elastic (younger looking). It is also rich in sodium, iron, potassium and calcium, plus B-group vitamins.

Avocado Oil -- This oil is deeply hydrating and highly compatible to your skin's own oils. Avocado oil has been scientifically proven to stimulate collagen production and increase the amount of soluble collagen in the dermis of your skin to make it look smoother and younger.

Nano-Lipobelle H EQ10 -- A natural ingredient that has the ability to penetrate through skin seven layers deep to moisturize. A more potent form of CoEnzymeQ10, Nano-Lipobelle H EQ10 protects skin against ageing caused by UV-A rays and reduces wrinkles because of its ability to destroy free radicals.

Now that you know how to have healthy skin by familiarizing yourself on ingredients that are unknown in the mainstream skin care industry but are only available in specialty, niche skin care products via the Internet -- you're well on your way to finding healthy natural ingredients for your skin.

Learn more about the very new, cutting edge natural ingredients at my website.

About the Author:

Marcia Kruger is a researcher and passionate advocate of natural skin care products. Visit her site now to discover cutting edge, anti-aging skin care products she recommends after extensive research:

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What Is An Ergonomic Chair?  

An ergonomic chair, in essence, should be a chair that employs ergonomic principles in its design. Ergonomic principles are design factors that provide maximum comfort and protection against fatigue and discomfort caused by the stress suffered by the impact areas when a person is seated. An ergonomic chair should take several factors into consideration to ensure that it properly fits the person sitting on it in such a way as to protect the user's body from fatigue and stress even after sitting for extended periods of time. Here are the f
ctors that an ergonomic chair should be able to meet.

First, an ergonomic chair should have the right dimensions and should also provide options for the users for better customization. These factors include the seat's height, width, and depth. For one, the height of the seat should be adjustable. Most ergonomic chairs use pneumatic levers for adjusting the seat height. Most of the time, the ideal height is 16 to 21 inches from the floor. At this seat height, the user's thighs are horizontal, his feet flat on the ground, and his arms lying on a right angle against the work table. As for the width of the seat, an ergonomic chair should be around 17-20 inches wide, which is a standard measurement. The depth should also be adjusted in a way that enables the user to rest his back comfortably while still within comfortable reach of the work table and with around two inches of space between the chair's seat and the back of the person's knees.

Second, an ergonomic chair is one that provides an ideal lumbar or lower back support. A person's lumbar spine curves inwardly, and this curve has to be supported especially when the person remains seated for a long period of time. If not, the curve might flatten, which usually leads to poor posture such as a natural slouched position as well as to structural strains on the lower region of the spine. An ergonomic chair, therefore, has to fit the lumbar curve.

Third, an ergonomic chair is one with a backrest. There are some ergonomically designed stools, but for a chair to be sufficiently ergonomic, it should allow the user to rest comfortably against the back rest. Ideally, the backrest should be as wide as 12 to 19 inches. There are seats with backrests that are separate from the seat itself. If this is the case, the backrest should at the very least still provide sufficient lumbar support. If the office chair has an attached backrest, on the other hand, the backrest should at least be adjustable forward and backward. If this is the case, the chair also requires a locking mechanism to make sure that the backrest stops where the user wants it.

Fourth, armrests are important parts of an ergonomic chair. The armrests of ideal ergonomic chairs should be adjustable. The user should be able to rest his arm comfortably and at an angle where the shoulders are also at ease. The ideal armrest provides slight support for the elbow and lower arms while a person is typing while the forearm has sufficient space for movement.

All these factors affect how a chair ergonomically fits the needs of the users. Some other minor factors may also be considered, such as the swivel as well as the seat material.

One of the most popular and best selling ergonomic chair is the Aeron chair by Herman Miller Inc

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How To Grow Coffee Beans  

Your cup of steaming hot coffee every morning isn't something as easily prepared as you might think. Creating coffee needs more than just putting hot water and stirring sugar into it. It doesn't even come in instant granules that we are so used to.

The coffee that we drink actually comes from the coffee plants that are cultivated in various parts of the globe. Brazil is the number one coffee producer in the world with a market share of about 30-35 percent. Most countries that produce coffee are from South and Central Amer
ca and the Middle East. Some Asian countries like Indonesia and India also have coffee plantations.

Coffee plants are evergreen plants that are grown in specific situations. They need specific amounts of water, air and land in order for the flavor to be achieved. It involves a lot of back-breaking work and is pretty labor-intensive. This is perhaps why it is so hard to grow them.

Plants are sown as seedlings in what coffee-growers call nursery beds. The land needs to be well aerated since it should have a healthy amount of oxygen in the roots in order to grow well. After about 8-12 months, the seedlings are then replanted to the coffee fields where there are wet and fertilized holes.

As mentioned before, specific conditions must be kept true in order to cultivate a good coffee bean. Sunlight shouldn't shine directly. In fact, diffused light is best. Moisture should also be kept constant with frequent and regular watering. The soil should also be fertilized and kept healthy by removing weeds and protecting them from pests.

When planted, it takes a long time before it can mature. The coffee grower needs to wait for about 5 years before his first crop.

What the trees look like Coffee trees are big and broad with dark green leaves. The flower, which resembles jasmine, is where the coffee granules are gotten. That is why harvest time are timed at the period when these flowers blossom. The fruits are also great sources of the coffee beans. The cherries or the berries will begin to come out about 6-8 months after.

It is a must that these fruits are harvested immediately as they can ripen easily- within 10 - 14 days. Manual harvesting is still preferred even if it takes a longer time. This is because the picker needs to keep the good beans apart from the bad ones.

The long wait is however very profitable for the coffee grower. One tree can produce about two pounds of beans, which is around 2000 coffee beans. After the harvest, the coffee beans are then processed. They are dried and then roasted. These coffee beans are then ready to be sold on the market where they will be grounded before being served.

About the Author:

Want to find out about green tea caffeine and kombucha tea? Get tips from the Types Of Tea website.

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How To Have Your Valentine Day Food  

Valentine Day food is very vital because on that special day, it is vital to ensure that people who love each other come together to celebrate the day in a good way. Valentine day food should be delicious and in many households, people look for all the right delicacies that will celebrate the love in the air. Many people take time to go to fancy restaurants and to ensure that good foods are prepared to ensure that all people are happy in this regard. It is vital to look at all the good foods that will suit the occasion. Different people from
different cultures will celebrate with their favorite foods. It is good to look at all foods that can fit a good occasion such as this one. It really comes without saying that people save their resources to ensure that the special day is celebrated with good food. For people who are not in love, this is also a time to celebrate. This is because the day celebrates all forms of love and it shows the importance of having love in life. The signature to this day is the good food that brings life to the day.

Valentine day food does not have to be expensive. You will just need to have a plan to make sure that the day goes well in this regard. There are those people who choose to go all out to be elaborate with the food. It really depends on the kind of budget you are willing to work with. Food does not have to be very expensive to be good and, it will just take careful planning for the day. There are people who prepare special Valentine food to hold parties. If you are hosting some people for this day, you will have to have enough resources to cater for the people who you are hosting. You will also need to look for a good menu that will make the day awesome and fruitful. There are some foods that should never be absent from the table on this special day of love. For example, niceties like chocolates, cakes and other deserts will definitely make for a very good day. Valentine day food needs to look inviting. It really does not matter whether you are inviting many people; you should make all foods attractive.

Valentine day food will be made attractive through different forms of garnish and so on. There are so many things that people get up to when it comes to looking for the right garnishes. Food needs to be prepared in plenty. A belly that is satisfied will make lovers happy and ready to look forward to all the good things that are ahead. If you plan to go with some stake, go an extra mile and prepare it in the best way that you can. Also, the presentation of the stake matters. Look for an attractive plate and make sure that the dining area is attractive. A good meal is never complete without a good bottle of wine. Wine has a way of winding down the day into a culmination of sensual pleasure. Whether you choose to have an intimate dinner or not, you will definitely marvel at the pleasure of good food.

About the Author:

Francis K. Githinji Is A Researcher And A Writer on Life and Society Issues. His Latest Project Free Online Dating Service Shows How The Power Of Online Dating Can Be Harnessed Internationally and With Great Success, Or You Could Post Your Valued Comments On His Blog At Valentine Day Food

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วันเสาร์ที่ 23 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The Goddess Ala -  

Earth Mother Goddess of the Ibo tribe in Nigeria.
Creator of the living and Queen of the dead. Provider of
communal loyalty and Lawgiver of society.

Ala is the Ibo (Nigeria) goddess of the earth. She is the daughter
of the High God and is considered to be the mother of all things.
She is both the goddess of fertility and the goddess of death.
She gives birth in the beginning and welcomes the dead
back to her womb.

Divine Mother who gives life, provides all that is life sustaining,
establishes l
ws, guides morality and finally claims her
children in death. If her children live peacefully, there will be
bountiful harvests from the earth and womb.
A Nigerian goddess of fertility. She also rules the Underworld, and it is believed that the souls of the dead rest within her sacred womb. Thr cresent moon is her symbol and she is often depicted in works of art as a seated woman holding a small child in her arms. Each year her followers pay homage to her
with an event known as the Yam Festival.

In Nigeria, where she is still worshipped, she has temples situated
in the center of the villages, where she has a statue surrounded
by the images of other gods and animals. Amongst the Ibo people,
she is one of the most popular divinities.
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Cut the cost of your wedding in half  

So you and hubby have set the date, now what? If you are like most couples these days the financial burden of planning a wedding is rested upon your shoulders and you find yourself worrying about how you will ever be able to afford this major life event.
Believe it or not if done properly your big day can pack a powerful punch without spending thousands of dollars. As long as you are willing to put the thought of an overpriced wedding planner aside and do some of the grunt work yourself, your special day will be one to remember forever. <
First of all think about who you know. Do you have a friend who has really great decorating sense? A cousin who is taking photography classes? If you sit down and think about who you know and what types of things they excel at you will be surprised at how quickly your wedding bill will shrink. Forget hiring expensive caterers and photographers. All it takes is a simple phone call and I would bet money that the person on the other end would be more than happy to help in any way they can. While planning my wedding I knew a friend of a friend who bakes cakes out of her home for a little extra cash. I got in touch with her and I was able to get a very beautiful cake made exactly how I wanted it for under $150.00.

Consider having a small intimate reception at your home or someone else's home. The days of having a huge stuffy reception at a hall or overpriced ballroom are over. People like to be comfortable and cozy and surrounded by people that they love. The fact is, the less people you invite the less expensive the affair is going to be. When making your guest list consider crossing off the second cousin you haven't seen in 5 years or the Aunt that lives on the other side of the country. Your wedding day isn't about how many people you can cram into a room. It is about being with the people you love and care about the most. You can shave thousands of dollars off of your bill by checking your guest list twice.

Once you have decided on a theme for your big event it is time to go invitation shopping. Resist the urge to order all of those thick wedding catalogs that sell invitations and accessories and head on over to E-Bay. There are some very talented people out there that earn a living on E-Bay creating custom made wedding invitations at a fraction of the cost. For my wedding I was able to get my invitations, response cards, reception cards and all envelopes for just over $50.00 with shipping and handling. They were made to my specifications and turned out beautiful. Now if you are feeling creative and you have the time you can also try making them yourself. There are invitation kits at craft stores that are very inexpensive. You can save hundreds of dollars by doing it this way.

Serve appetizers and Champaign instead of a 5 course meal and an open bar and save thousands. Your guests will be just as happy with some shrimp cocktails and crab cakes as they would the traditional chicken & pasta with a salad on the side. And you and your fianc้ will save a ton of money! Better yet do you know someone who loves to cook?

Flowers are a very important part of any wedding and whether you want real or artificial you want them to look nice. I found a lady on the internet that makes artificial wedding bouquets at a very reasonable price. What was great about her arrangements was the flowers she used were not the fake looking silk flowers you find in a craft store. They were made with latex and looked, felt and even moved like they were real. So instead of paying over $100 dollars on a real call-lily bridal bouquet I paid approx $45. And the best part is that I get to keep them forever. If you have your heart set on real flowers then buy wholesale and make them yourself. You do not have to be a florist to make a beautiful arrangement. Check online to find instructions on how to make bouquets or keep it simple and just carry a bunch of lily's or roses.

I mentioned E-Bay earlier and I am going to mention it again because you can save big time by purchasing your favors, supplies, matchbooks, napkins and any other accessories you may need from reputable sellers there. Most of my items including my bridesmaid's jewelry, my tiara, veil etc were bought there and I saved a mint! Bridal boutiques and specialty shops are so overpriced. Think about it, would you rather pay $50 for personalized beverage napkins or $10?

Don't be afraid to ask for help either, your friends and families are probably just as excited as you are about your upcoming wedding. You would be surprised at how much you can save by investing some time and research into planning your wedding day and delegating small tasks to others.
About the Author Jennifer Holder is a new bride and also an Ind. Avon Rep. She can be contacted by email at or by visiting her website at

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Three Easy Steps To Hearing Gods Voice  

Have you ever wanted to have a conversation with God? Not just talk to him but actually dialogue with him and hear his response to your questions? Below are some hands-on, practical steps that will help you do that.

In John 10:4, Jesus said that his sheep know his voice. He didnt mean that in a figurative sense. If you are a follower of Jesus, you have already recognized his voice at least once, and every person needs to practice listening to him in order to identify his voice at deeper and more personal levels.

>Step One
Sit down with a notebook and a pen, ask God to speak to you, and then write down everything that comes to mind &' what you sense he might be telling you, even if it seems strange at the time. When you read over it later, youll be able to tell what was God and what wasnt (just as John 10:4 says), and youll be amazed at everything that was.

Step Two
Be willing to hear things you werent expecting. If you do Step One and dont hear or sense anything, it may be that youre expecting to hear something in particular, and God wants to talk about something else. He might speak to you about something you have never thought of before.

Be open to anything he might say. It may take some time for you to learn to tell the difference between his voice and your own thoughts, but again, Jesus said that his sheep know his voice. He also said that if you ask for something good, he wont give you something evil in return (Matthew 7:10-11). In other words, if you have a desire to speak with him, he will respond in kind.

Step Three
Realize that God can speak through anything: something that stands out to you as youre reading the newspaper or while writing your blog, talking with your daughter, sitting at your desk.

God is more interested in you than you are in him. (This is repeated several times throughout Scripture &' for example, John 3:16 and 1 John 4:19). Simply put, because thats true, you should expect to hear from him.

About the Author:

Jim Driscoll is the director and founder of, a spiritual training website. He and his wife, Mims, and their six children live in South Carolina.

Please visit for more information.

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Find Your Perfect Partnet  

The mistake is to go looking, before cleaning up your own "back yard". The mistake is to seek someone because you're so desperately lonely, and don't feel happy with your own company. You may find a partner using this approach, but it often won't last, and will rarely lead to fulfillment.

There's nothing wrong with this approach, and this newsletter won't stop anyone doing it. BUT - here's the key to entering a great relationship: You want to be having such a great time that the perfect part
er notices you and says "Hey - can I play too?".

If you are already happy with your own company, and loving your life, then skip straight to PART II - the action section. If there are some things you're ready to handle in your own life - to prepare a more attractive space for a partner to come into and play - then read on.

Try the following check list (add up your score - 1 for each "true"):

  • I have a job I enjoy.
  • I am happy with my chosen friends and am well supported.
  • I am complete (nothing unresolved or unsaid) with my close family members and friends.
  • I do not fret about money. (I have a reserve of cash and/or regularly save a percentage of my income).
  • My home and bedroom are places I would feel comfortable inviting someone to spend time in.
  • I am happy with my current weight, appearance and the way I dress.
  • I feel good about the food I eat and my current exercise program.
  • I enjoy/am comfortable spending time alone.
  • I have found things to do alone (other than reading or watching TV) that I enjoy.
  • I am comfortable expressing myself.
  • My week is fun - I have found things to do that are so much fun that I'm not always looking around to see who I might meet.

You don't need to score 11 to have a great relationship. But if your score is not as high as you would like, why not choose today to turn ONE thing on the above list into "True"? Work on your own, with a friend, or with a coach.

Top Ten Practical Actions to Finding a Partner

The following is a brief extract from the full "Finding Mr. Right" program (available at my web site). Make a couple of these true today, then take your time with the rest...

  • I have written down the Top None to Five requirements of the partner I am seeking (e.g. kindness, ambition).
  • I have written down the Top None to Five requirements of the relationship I am seeking (e.g. honesty, laughter, support, eating ice-cream together). (And are you available for casual dating, casual sex, a "serious" relationship, marriage and kids?)
  • I have - in conjunction with friends - come up with a list of at least five places I might meet such a person (e.g. sporting clubs, internet, parties, bars, interest groups)
  • I have told at least ten friends the kind of partner and relationship I am seeking, and that I would love to be introduced to potential partners, and invited to a lot of parties!
  • I have written down at least three possible dates to invite someone on, each being something I really enjoy (e.g. walk on the beach, poetry reading, rock climbing)
  • I ask out at least two people per week (and have found a way that works for me and is not too scary).
  • I have interviewed friends concerning how "available" I appear. (Some people think they appear available, but come across as aggressive or snobby.)

David Wood

About the Author

David Wood is a Certified Life Coach. He helps coaches, consultants, speakers and trainers to build their businesses via his popular ebook at and his audio ebook at Get his new Free Download "50 Power Questions" and popular monthly ezine for clients and coaches (now over 15,000 subscribers) at:

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Food Intolerance And Diabetes Treatment  

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Diabetes is one of the biggest scourges of this century. Along with cardiac problems and high cholesterol levels, this condition has pushed entire generations of people into a high risk zone, where they are literally living on the edge everyday. One of the most puzzling things about diabetes is the fact that there is still a lot of confusion about what causes it. Of course, heredity, food habits and lifestyle factors play an
important role. But, there are still gaps in our understanding.

According to studies conducted recently, carbohydrate intolerance could be one of the factors that cause diabetes. It certainly contributes to obesity so by natural progression, it must also contribute to diabetes. The ACCP (American College of Chest Physicians) published a new study in their journal that shows how in some people, the inability to absorb and break down carbohydrates leads to the build up of fat. Such people become obese when they are unable to digest or process carbohydrates. When this intolerance is not diagnosed, it leads to metabolic disorders in the long run. Researchers also made another interesting discovery: carbohydrate intolerance leads to metabolic syndrome, which is nothing but a collective name for medical conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure and hypertension.

Proper carbohydrate intake is an important part of type2 diabetes treatment. This is because people who suffer from carbohydrate intolerance cannot tolerate any of the simple sugars that their food provides. In such people, there is a lack of digestive enzymes. This makes it impossible to digest and absorb carbohydrates. Since the body is not getting its fair share of carbs, it goes into a starvation mode. It stores more fat. At the same time, it stimulates hunger, thereby encouraging the person to eat more. This is the reason why untreated food intolerance directly leads to diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

It is not just type2 diabetes, even type1 diabetes may be caused by the bodys adverse reaction to food. Evidence has been collected to show how the condition shows great genetic similarity to celiac disease which is caused by gluten intolerance.

As sufferers know, there is no cure for diabetes. The most vital part of diabetes treatment is the proper management of blood sugar levels. Patients are advised to eat food in moderation, exercise and follow a healthy lifestyle so that their blood sugar levels remain stable. Food items that are rich in fiber while lean on carbs is the recommended diet since these items release sugar at a steady pace, unlike simple carbohydrates which inundate the bloodstream with high doses of sugar. Even in spite of following these regulations, carbohydrate intolerance can lead to associated problems. Therefore, such people may need to take in enzymes that help break down carbohydrates.

According to surveys and reports, more than 72% of all Americans suffer from one or another kind of food intolerance. Unfortunately, most of us are not aware of food sensitivities because the symptoms are quite subtle. The only way you can spot food sensitivity is through blood tests that confirm the same. Considering the needless suffering that people with food sensitivities undergo day after day and year after year, a simple blood test seems like a more attractive alternative.

About the Author:

Food Intolerance - For over 20 years, the ALCAT Test has provided both patients as well as healthcare professionals with a tool to successfully overcome a wide variety of conditions which result from food sensitivity and chemical intolerance.

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Why Not Rejuvenate Your Senses With A Detox Foot Spa?  

People in the modern age are generally exposed to rising levels of environmental pollutants and a modern diet of processed foods that put body organs (like the skin, liver and heart) to the test. Apart from spring cleansing one's diet, people increase their metabolism, improve circulation, facilitate toxin removal, and counteract various health aggravators by opting for natural detoxification methods & approaches, like a detox foot spa.

Be attuned to your body and see if a detoxifying foot spa therapy will serve your well an
do wonders in revitalizing or rejuvenating your senses. A foot spa also gains special appeal when herbs with medicinal properties are added to the water.

Like most other detoxification methods, it offers relaxation while also providing natural relief to many chronic disorders. Some people may raise their eyebrows on the capability of a foot spa to address serious ailments, but people who have tried foot spa therapy cite reduced illnesses, allergies & skin problems as well as alleviated respiratory, circulatory and muscular problems, among the myriad benefits.

The healing effect stems from the fact that the soles in our feet have about 2,000 pores and these serve as channels for the body to release unwanted poisons or toxins. A detox foot spa is believed to be capable of speeding up the natural detoxification process. In so doing, people are able to steer clear of many diseases, or heal faster when faced with injuries or are recovering from surgeries.

Other important benefits reported by those who have tried a detoxifying foot spa treatment are reduced stiffness of the joints, reduced headaches, and improved kidney and liver functioning. Small wonder more and more people are going for a foot spa. Because it aids in addressing a sluggish metabolism, people intent on achieving their weight loss goals include a relaxing foot spa treatment as part of their regular beauty & workout regimen.

A Japanese story goes that the detoxifying foot spa treatment was first developed when a group of sickly individuals set out on a pilgrimage and, while resting in some remote place, found a hot stream where they soaked their feet for some relief. They woke up the following morning feeling a whole lot healthier, and when they consulted their physicians, they were diagnosed sick-free.

In the present age, while clinical evidence still needs to be gathered to affirm the many healing benefits of a foot spa therapy, people strive to reconnect with their bodies and rid themselves of toxins by supplementation the use of detox foot spa with other forms of detoxification, like a colon or juice cleans, and proper diet. Go for the best sources of health-enhancing nutrients, like foods rich in omega fatty acids, and nutrient-rich organic fruits and vegetables. You may also include premium quality supplements to fight disease-causing free radicals. Go for a transformational spa if you want a doctor-supervised program to rejuvenate yourself with a natural anti-aging remedy and eliminate occurrences (like poor digestive health) that tend to disrupt your normal daily routine. Indeed, a body that's in balance translates to greater physical and mental energy which makes a person enjoy many quality moments with family and friends and a focused performance at work.

About the Author:
For Wholesale pricing and Free Shipping on the latest Detox Foot Spa products available today visit us today at: Read more!

Chicken soup  

Delis dispense golden "Jewish penicillin," usually filled with some combination of matzo balls, noodles and little meat-filled dumplings called kreplach. Making chicken soup is a serious process if you want it to be the real deal.

"Chicken soup is synonymous with New York City," Molly O'Neill wrote in the "New York Cookbook". "An epicurean archeologist could piece together a social history of the city, simply by studying the permutations of its chicken soup." From renowned c
efs like Jean-Georges Vongerichten to the corner bodega owner, every cook has his own recipe for this magical elixir.

In a two-month chicken soup odyssey, wandering the streets of New York searching for the headiest, tastiest chicken soup, I slurped classic presentations and discovered versions with unique twists and secrets. I have also become — so far this wintry season — walking proof of the soup's restorative qualities.

Delis dispense golden "Jewish penicillin," usually filled with some combination of matzo balls, noodles and little meat-filled dumplings called kreplach. This restaurants make at least two kinds of chicken soup using coconut milk, galangal and kaffir lime leaves. Chinese restaurants have their wonton soups, and recently Sichuan restaurants have introduced chicken soups made with prized fresh-killed black-skinned chickens, pickled cabbage, hot chilies and pea shoots. Of course, the Greeks' contribution to chicken soup is avgolemono. Latino chicken soups feature avocado, cilantro, oregano and tomatoes.

But a call for chicken soup also calls for answers. What color should a proper chicken soup be? When do you add the starch, whether it's rice or noodles or matzo balls? When do you add vegetables or herbs? If you add beef or pork, is it still chicken soup? Perhaps most important, can you still get a truly great bowl of matzo ball soup in this town now that the Second Avenue Deli is closed? Makes a superb Eastern European-style chicken soup. It is pale gold and flecked with fresh herbs, and delivers tons of actual chicken flavor. He calls it Estelle's, after his mother, a Russian Jew who he says still makes the best chicken soup around.

Making chicken soup is a serious process if you want it to be the real deal. A lot of chicken soups taste as if the chicken flew over the pot. . Ready you are Chicken Soup.   Please visit in the site for extra details.

About the Author

 Representing the Chicken Soup in the website

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Chocolate Gift Ideas  

People give gifts to strengthen bonds, to remind friends, family, and colleagues that they are an important part of their lives. Fine chocolates are just about everyone's favorite.

And as the food industry has evolved in the last few decades, gourmet chocolate seems to be a real niche item available anywhere you shop. Gourmet chocolates can be gifted on Mother's Day, Birthdays, Wedding Gifts, Valentine's Day or for any other special occasion. 

Gourmet chocolates are a great treat for any chocolate l
ver, and there is a huge selection online for gift giving. Everyone knows that person who just craves chocolate! Imagine their surprise and delight when they receive the most delectable gourmet chocolates. Getting the perfect gift for the chocolate lover is simple when you shop online from Harmony Sweets. 

Harmony Sweets has over ninety world-class confections available including edible gold chocolate pralines from Switzerland, strawberry cream seashells from Belgium, unique Dragon Beard Candy from China, chocolate truffles from France, and spiced cookies from Scandinavia. Perfect as Business appreciation gifts, Anniversary gifts, Mother's day gifts, Birthday gifts, Valentine's gifts, Wedding favors, Father's day gifts or Graduation gifts. 

For further details please visit
About the Author Jane Roseen is the Webmaster of  Online Gourmet Chocolate Gifts shop. Based in Covington, WA, USA.

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Hair Myths about Sedu Hair Styles  

You've read so much about Sedu hairstyles that you don't know what to believe. Learn truth behind hair myths about Sedu hair styles.

Everything in the world has its myths, something that is believed to be true while being completely unreal. Hair and hair style are no exclusion. It is a common knowledge that there is something we can't understand about hair growth and nature, and when we can't find the truth, we add fiction.

In the world of Sedu hairstyles there are certain myths as well. They concerne
with hair in general, hair straightening and styling, straighteners and blow dryers. To the average citizen, a Sedu hairstyle is one great myth itself.

These are the most popular hair myths about Sedu hairstyles revealed.

Hair Myth #1: Sedu Hairstyle is Long Straight and Blond

Well, this hair myth has grown up from the Hollywood stereotypes. And even though we should admit that most celebrities sport blond long hairstyles, real Sedu hairstyle can be of any length and any color. The only truth about this stereotype is straightness. Originally Sedu hairstyle was considered to be straight, but today some bottom curls and flips, as well as sexy waves are acceptable.

So, enjoy your hazel, black, red, or chestnut hair color together with short or medium hair length. Every hair style that is straight can be Sedu.

Hair Myth #2: Sedu Hairstyle Can Only Be Achieved with Sedu Hair Straightener

To answer this question, we should appeal to the origin of the world Sedu. In the beginning, term 'Sedu' was invented by the company Sedu Beauty. It is the contracted form of the word "seductive". This company has brought the questions about Sedu Beauty, Sedu Style and Hairstyle, Sedu Image and so on… to the public.

Today, however, this term is sported when speaking about certain types of style and hairstyle without any regard to the means, by which such style or hairstyle is created.

That is why, the answer is simple: Sedu Hairstyle can be created with any tools available. Though, the best results are obtained, of course, with the use of the parental accessories, that is - Sedu hair straighteners.

Hair Myth #3: Constant Application of the Straightening Tools Damages Hair

Hair damage is one of the most serious problems people face when dealing with various hair styles. Constant dyeing, chemical treatment, and other influences on hair lead to hair thinning, loss of elasticity and shine.

But there are two ways of hair straightening: chemical and heat application. They differ in results and influence on hair. With modern technologies the heat application becomes more and more safe both for hair and scalp, while chemical treatment remains still chemical.

What should be stated clearly is that chemical application is any way damaging, while heat treatment can damage hair only if the flat iron is used wrongly and without precautions.

So, don't be afraid to use flat iron on your hair, but read the instruction first.

Hair Myth #4: Blow Drying Makes Hair Tangled

Sedu hairstyle needs constant blow drying. We always lack time to leave our hair air dry. That is why problems with blow drying are crucial to Sedu hair styling.

Blow drying is the process that requires no certain skills. You turn on your dryer, bring it to your hair, and it dries it up. But there are several things that can go wrong during drying:

  1. You can bring dryer too close to the hair. The recommended distance is 1 foot.
  1. You can use setting, which is too hot. This can over dry your scalp, though serious damage to the hair hasn't been noticed.
  1. You can use no conditioner. Conditioner itself is made to ease combing and styling. So, when you don't condition your hair, you consciously decide to struggle with uncontrollable hair.

The bottom line is following: check that you are doing everything right, before claiming that some product is harmful.

Hair Myth #5: Sedu Hair Straightener Makes Your Hair Split

False. Any heat applied to the hair, especially flat irons, smoothes the hair. It helps to glue hair scales of every hair together. Split ends are caused by the over drying, over dyeing, or over processing of the hair.

Usually it is impossible to cure split ends, so they should be trimmed. Recommended time period for trimming is six weeks.

As you see for yourself, hair myths are only hair myths, and the truth is always more interesting, or complicated. Sedu hairstyles created many gossips and fables because of their fresh look and really seductive nature along with the easiness of creation.

However, many people including celebrities enjoy having Sedu hairstyles without any regard to the mythological background of Sedu hairstyle notion.

About the Author Mary Anne Lionel is the hair care consultant of who helps people with hair problems to discover new ways of revealing their hair health. Visit Mary Anne's web log at

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Van Morrison, spiritual rock star  

Here I am gazing on the Web for extraordinary witnesses of enlightenment yet very popular in the entertainment realm, so that at least everybody that read could say "hey, I've seen or heard that person!" As my research focuses randomly on any performer from our time, some pages choose to cite the art of singer Van Morrison.

His work is thoughtful, often spiritual in nature, and combines elements of jazz , R&B , Celtic traditions, and stream-of-consciousness lyrics.
Van Morrison was bor
in Belfast , Northern Ireland , in 1935 and was named George Ivan Morrison. Better known as the Celtic sorcerer, Morrison began playing different instruments and composing songs in an Irish band during his teen years. His musical heritage was inevitable since h e was exposed to music from an early age with his father collecting American jazz albums and his mother being a singer.
Journalists have described Morrison as one of the most serious singers with high moral values, something that lacks in the music business. His lyrics and music are influenced on the works of poet and New Age prophet William Blake, Beat Generation writer Jack Kerouac, J.D. Salinger, occult and spiritualist poet W.B. Yeats, Alice Bailey, and of many other religious visionaries. Those authors add mythic powers to Morrison's singular musical vision and his articulation of emotional truths.
Astral Weeks was his first album after he moved to America . It gained good reviews from critics. Rolling Stone magazine once reported that a man claimed to see God while listening to this album under the influence of nitrous oxide . If you listen to the record you'll notice that the artist uses a form of symbolism instead of current narrative. Very much like using spiritual images because they are stronger than words. And this work was released in the late 1960s, when a New Age consciousness was spreading in the U.S.
His idiosyncratic and spiritual musical path has lead him to create more than 30 albums, among them are Moondance, Tupelo Honey, A Period of Transition, Beautiful Vision, No Guru- No Method- No teacher, Irish Heartbeat, Avalon Sunset, Enlightenment, Days Like This, and The Healing Games.

On his official site, Alan Pert sums up Morrison's spiritual exploring on the album Days Like This. "Morrison continues his lifelong exploration of the human psyche, offering up highly entertaining and danceable tunes about everything from love to manic depression. While all of Morrison's albums from the early 1990's had expressed a desire to go back to childhood and early adolescence when "everything made more sense" and he was most capable of experiencing the elusive "sense of wonder," the memory in "Ancient Highway" is of being older, of feeling isolated and restless, of needing to leave home and childhood behind forever, and he is afraid of failure: "I keeping praying to my higher self, don't let me down..."
Extract of the Ancient Highway
" There's a small cafe on the outskirts of town
I'll be there when the sun goes down
Where the roadside bends
And it twists and turns
Every new generation
And I'll be praying to my higher self
Don't let me down, keep my feet on the ground
There's a roadside jam playin' on the edge of town
In a town called Paradise near the ancient highway
When the train whistle blows
All the sadness that Hank Williams knows
And the river flows
Call them pagan streams and it spins and turns
In a factory in a street called Bread in East Belfast
Where Georgie knows best
What it's like to be Daniel in the lion's den
Got so many friends only most of the time"
I picked Morrison's music up because he is still creating innovative material and is not like others rock stars who recycle their greatest hits. "Great art incarnates truth, gives shape to beauty, and joins inner longing with outer form. Van Morrison has provided Christians and non-Christians alike a glimpse into the childlike vision " according to the insights of Carl Olson.

More recently, Morrison had the opportunity to duet "Crazy Love" along with the late Ray Charles, on the 2004 Genius Loves Company album. Ray Charles was one of Morrison's influences during his years in Northern Ireland .

About the Author

Sam Steven's metaphysical articles have been published in many high-standing newspapers and she has published several books. You can meet Sam Stevens at where she works as a professional psychic. You can also read more of her articles at where she is the staff writer. Currently she is studying technology's impact on the metaphysics.

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Controversial Drug Author Calls for the Legalization of Heroin.  

The Australian author of the terrifyingly authentic autobiography; "Cheating the Hangman: True Confessions of a Heroin Trafficker" makes a case for the immediate legalization of heroin worldwide. 

Wade Agnew probably knows as much about heroin and the law as anyone. He used it for three decades, was a successful heroin trafficker for ten years, and has studied the legal status of heroin continually since first discovering the drug at University in the late 1960's.

"My affair with heroin has been a
on-going one. I fell in love with it the first time I tried it; as a medicine for what ailed me, it was second to none."

The author of the recently released autobiography "Cheating the Hangman: True Confessions of a Heroin Trafficker" Wade is calling for the immediate legalization of heroin. Heroin trafficking gives you a very unique perspective on its status in society. The ongoing campaign of denigration is orchestrated, widespread and unrelenting. As Goebels said, if you repeat a lie often enough, eventually people WILL believe it. Wade writes in his book;

"With heroin systematically demonized since the 20's, it wasn't surprising most thought it evil incarnate, an extremely dangerous drug, and a force against all the good in society. But in truth it wasn't toxic for the body, the brain was where the action occurred, and it was some smooth operator. They weren't monsters, just in exile from a society they refused to recognize. The orthodoxy fused notions of anarchy, violence and Bolshevism, into a hyper-negative highball, now impossible to unhitch the harness. That willful ignorance was a source of frustration and anger. It imprinted on their self image, colouring their interaction with the world. Why were drunks amusing, junkies sinister? They were thought a harbinger of a heinous moral meltdown, a role they took on with relish."

Originally set up by a Christian fundamentalist as a vehicle for his moral humbuggery, the "International Narcotics Control Board" is now entrenched as an instrument of US foreign policy and control, and with the organization in its pocket, the United States of America uses it as a propaganda tool; dictating to the world drug policy that serves their agenda and their interests. And make no mistake, it's a powerful tool. This evangelizing does enormous harm to individuals around the globe, as well as promoting an illegal trade that fosters and entrenches organized crime, in the same way that prohibition directly fueled the Mafia in 1920's America; "ignorance on an industrial scale". Making heroin illegal robs the medical community of the number one pain killer on the planet, and criminalizes those who choose to use it. This is something that the author knows from personal experience, as a successful drug trafficker in the 1970's and 80's.

When the Australian Capital Territory Government tried to set up a heroin trial in Canberra; the national capital, to save lives and administer pharmaceutical heroin to selected long term addicts in a safe and supervised environment, the Narcotics Control Board intervened. The extreme variation in the strength of street heroin is a real problem, and the cause of many overdoses, as is the lack of medical supervision and intervention when needed. The Board controls the issuing of licenses allowing countries to grow legal opium for the pharmaceutical industry. They told the Federal Government in no uncertain terms that it risked the Tasmanian opium poppy crop if they allowed this to happen. A compliant and conservative Federal administration caved in to this blackmail. This unaccountable organization wields enormous power. Holland has regularly experienced its pressure to repudiate their liberal drug laws, but stands firm in the face of on-going attacks.  Read more about the legal status of heroin at;

Also read this sample chapter from the author's book;


The Australian heroin market in the 1970's got a huge leg-up from the Royal Commissions into drugs. State police added the booster rockets. All the national attention was now focused on marijuana ignoring the growing heroin culture, a lens sharpened by the murder of a crusading politician in Griffith, the cannabis capital of the country. People wondered why so few were being arrested, and nothing confiscated. Were cops benefiting from the grass trade? Suddenly the heat was on, questions were being asked. Why were crops being discovered only after the intense press coverage? The speculation continued apace.

This was all music to the ears of the budding heroin importer. With eyes now on the marijuana trade it went underground, leaving markets open for a drug capable of soothing the nerves of jaded hippies, popular, and instantly more effective than years of studying at The Happiness Institute. My mission was delivering forbidden fruit from foreign shores with forensic efficiency, right to your front door. While the new medicine was timely, some burning money would get their fingers singed.

Millions of dollars worth of smoke was seized, while heroin still reached arms unhindered. My business had quadrupled in six months, so I was well aware it was cannibalizing the drug trade. Foisted on cannabis smokers, the drought entrenched a corrupt system with an avalanche of white-powder cash.

But the grass was always greener….

For the details of "Cheating the Hangman: True Confessions of a Heroin Trafficker" go to;

About the Author

Wade Agnew is an Australian who recently released an autobiography entitled;

"Cheating the Hangman: True Confessions of a Heroin Trafficker." Wade happily consumed heroin for thirty years and successfully trafficked from the "Golden Triangle". About Wade;

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Increasing the Speed of Thought  

Increasing the Speed of Thought
by Alan Tutt

You've probably heard the joke that it's okay to talk to yourself as long as you don't answer yourself. Many times, in our culture, we find it strange to see someone sitting alone and apparently carrying on a conversation. But in actual fact, the only real difference between this person and ourselves is that we speak to ourselves without saying anything out loud.

A lot of people feel that it's perfectly natural to hear your own voice s
eaking words inside your mind. In fact, everyone that I have ever asked has responded that this is exactly how they think. Psychology tells us that the human mind operates with pictures, and that every thought is conveyed inside the mind as a picture or a series of pictures. Yet most of us think out our thoughts using words and language.

Many ancient systems of philosophy have taught that this "chattering monkey" limits your thinking, and restricts you from ever finding "enlightenment". Zen and other forms of Buddhism strive to eliminate the flow of thoughts in the mind in order to allow the mind to perceive "satori", or the ultimate state of existence.

Sometimes, when I am particularly focused on my thinking, I notice that a complete thought flashes through my mind, and then the chattering monkey starts up to describe the thought that just went through. One thought after another flash through my mind, and all of them get described with words, as if I had to explain to myself what I had just thought. And each time a thought goes through this process of being described, the next thought is put on hold until the words stop.

It is at this time that I wonder "What would happen if I could stop the words and let the thoughts play themselves out in my mind?" After spending several minutes on this effort to stop the words, I realize that the time between thoughts is reduced to virtually nothing, and more and more thoughts speed their way through my mind. And the more I'm able to stop the words, the quicker my mind operates. Even in a state of wordless thinking, my mind clearly understands everything that takes place.

I've actually tried to stop the words entirely. While it does speed up the process of thinking tremendously, it does have an unpleasant side-effect. I lose the ability to hold an intelligent conversation with another person. Here's what usually happens: I'm sitting somewhere letting my mind run freely and unrestricted. The level of my thinking is taking on enormous proportions, such as analyzing the ultimate nature of Life, or the intricate similarities between atoms and galaxies. Then someone approaches me and asks a simple question. My mind immediately presents a dozen different ideas relating to the question, and there is a very intricately detailed picture of the whole subject. And I'm stumped as to where to begin in order to respond to the question.

Although I believe that it's possible to achieve a state of quiet mind while retaining the ability to communicate effectively, I have not felt it was ever a good time to go through the process. Mostly because of ego, as I never wanted to appear to be less intelligent than I was. What I have done, however, is to set aside time periods where I work to turn off the chattering monkey in order to focus my mental energies more effectively on a specific task. Although not as ideal, it seems to be a good compromise. And over the years, I believe that I am moving towards the ideal.

Each session where I eliminate a fair portion of the chattering monkey, I gain sharper insights into the world around me, and the subject that I focus my attention upon at the time. Over time, this has given me a deeper understanding of many subjects, which in turn has increased my level of intelligence. I recognize which pathways of thought are effective since I have had the opportunity to let my mind travel a greater number of pathways. This results in quicker thinking, even when I'm not working on quieting the chattering monkey.

In many situations, this has proven to be of great use, as I am now able to learn a subject in about half the time it used to take, and I am also able to quickly analyze a situation and find the similarities between this new situation and one I've studied previously. Only in the last couple of months have I started to learn about setting up websites and working with server scripts, cgi's, and MySQL databases. I may not be an expert yet, but that will only take a little more time. Not only can I work with all these things, but I can customize many aspects of the things I'm working with.

There is a quote from Abraham Lincoln that sums up the importance of learning to speed up your thinking. The quote is "If I only had 6 hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend 4 hours sharpening the axe." You're going to spend the rest of your life learning and analyzing situations. Be smart and spend some time sharpening your mind. Set aside specific times where you quiet your chattering monkey. Give your mind the freedom it needs to quickly move from one thought to another. You'll be amazed at what you can accomplish.
About the Author Alan Tutt is the creator of the phenomenally popular Keys To Power Mastery System available from Become the Arnold Schwarzenegger of Mind Power using the Keys To Power Mastery System, and get everything you want in life.

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Home Remedies To Cure Gout - Is GrandmaS Way The Best?  

It is normal for most individuals to want to find natural and home remedies to cure gout. Gout is a horribly painful condition that no one want to suffer from. Once you have had your first attack of gout you will be ready to take even drastic measures to eliminate the possibilities of ever having to deal with that much pain again. Lets take a look at some of the good ol remedies Grandma would have forced you to try.

Grandmas Recipes for Pain Relief

1. When you begin to feel the onset of a gout attack you should take so
e ibuprofen. This will ease the pain for you, however if you wait too long it more than likely is not going to subside the pain enough for you.

2. Bust out the reliable multi-purpose Epsom Salt. You should soak the area that is in pain in a solution of warm water and Epsom Salt. For the most part the pain will be drastically minimized and even conquered after soaking for a short time in the mixture.

3. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Preferably you should drink 10 8 oz. glasses everyday. This will help you to flush all toxins from your system and eliminate the existing high level of uric acids.

4. Grab yourself a bowl of cherries and chow down. Eat at least one serving of cherries everyday to reduce the uric acid in your body. This reduction will limit the crystallized deposits from forming on around your joints.

5. Eat more fruits and veggies, such as those that are high in vitamin C. Apparently, vitamin C is directly linked to reducing inflammations.

6. Apply cold packs in intervals when you are in pain. It might be uncomfortable at first, but if you can handle it you will soon be pain free. Thanks to the numbing of the ice or ice pack. Leave the ice on the location that is in pain for about 15 minutes and then take it off. Reapply every half hour as needed.

Using home remedies to cure gout is a great way for you to limit the pain without having to take medications. Quite a few people prefer to use home remedies instead of taking the medications because they are not willing to take medicine because of the possible side effects they could suffer from. Before you begin using any home remedies you should discuss them with your doctor first.

Alvin Hopkinson is a leading researcher in the area of natural remedies and gout treatment. Discover how you can get rid of your gout for good using proven home remedies, all without using harmful medications or drugs. Visit his site now at

About the Author:

Alvin Hopkinson is a leading health researcher in the area of natural remedies and weight loss. He had published many health articles online, is a platinum expert author in EzineArticles and writes for Health Central, which is a leading health authority website. Some of his sites includes: High Blood Pressure Treatment Gout Relief Fat Loss Diet

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Understanding Migraine Headaches  

Have you experienced being all dressed up and about to go when sudden a attack of headache stops you? You would just want to stay in bed with close door and windows if this happens. Check it out- maybe you are suffering from a severe form of headaches, known as migraines.

What are migraine headaches?

It is the recurrent throbbing headache that often comes with nausea and visual disturbance. The most popular type of migraine are the common migraine and the classic migraine.

The common migraine is characterized by a longer pe
iod of attack. The pain can be intense. In most common cases, attacks are more than enough reason to stop doing daily activities. This is when all you want to stay inside your room alone.

Classic migraine, on the other hand, starts with an "aura". The aura involves your vision. Flashing lights and different colors will appear on your sight. Spots may also occur in your eyesight. Sometimes, soreness when touching your scalp is also a warning for classic headache of the migraine type. Mood swings can also be a sign of a classic migraine's strike. You will be too irritable or depressed. In some instances, signs occur one day ahead of the attack. Classic migraine attack has extreme pain. However, it has a shorter duration compared to common migraine.

What causes migraine headaches?

Medical professionals do not yet have a concrete reason for the cause of the pain. Some believe that the level of serotonin in our brain can trigger the attack. It was found out that the serotonin levels of person suffering are lower than normal.

Others believed that food may also trigger migraine. There are some interpretations that other people are prone or cannot deal with food additives. It is said that the brain's receptor cannot cope with these, thus leading into attacks. People who are suffering from migraine are told to refrain from eating processed foods, red wine, aged cheese, cultured dairy products. You should also lessen your caffeine intake to ease up your sufferings. Stress is also considered as the top starting point of migraine.

How can I manage migraine headaches?

Lucky enough, there are lots of medicines to combat the pain. You may chose to go to your doctor for the right prescription or buy the over the counter drugs. Intake of medicine depends on the intensity of the attack.

Drinking large quantities of liquids can help ease the pains. Another way to alleviate the pain is to put cold compress in the affected area. Massaging the head or scalp would also give comfort. Staying inside a dark and quiet room while having an attack will also help reduce the tension in your head. Always remember that a good sleep is a must for people with migraine headaches

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Slow-cook Once For Multiple Healthy Meals  

I have found a wonderful way to save even more time with the slowcooker and that is to cook a few days worth of meat at once, then use the cooked meat for a few nights worth of upcoming meals. You will need a large slowcooker for this; if you don't have a large slowcooker, don't go out and buy one brand new since they are abundant at thrift stores.

Because I am working at healthier meals for my family, this article will be referring to boneless skinless chicken breast, but the idea can be applied with any meat.

The first
ay, after spraying the slow cooker with non-stick cooking spray (great tip for easy clean-up), I added a few cut-up carrots to the bottom of the crock and seasoned them with seasoning salt. You could add any vegetables of your choice that would go with any of your upcoming meals. Then I added layers of boneless skinless chicken breast to the top (probably around 3-4 lbs. worth), seasoning each layer with fresh chopped garlic and seasoning salt (an added benefit... your house will smell SO good all day long). Be sure to trim any fat off the breast before adding to the pot. I added about 1/2 cup of water, placed the lid on top & turned the slow cooker on to low & cooked about 8 hours. Very easy work for enough succulent cooked meat for at least 3 days' meals!

MEAL #1: The first night we had chicken sandwiches. After spraying a pan with non-stick cooking spray, I toasted onion buns over medium heat, then let the family add their own condiments like sliced tomato and onion, lettuce, mayonnaise, mustard, etc., and a piece of the cooked chicken. They were delicious! I served oven fries with the sandwiches... simply slice potatoes, put them on a baking sheet sprayed with non-stick cooking spray, spray the potatoes with the spray, season and cook at 400F for 40-60 minutes. These are better than the ones drenched in oil... honestly, and I am one that loves deef-fried french fries and all the fattening foods!

MEAL #2: Since I have some more onion buns from meal #1, I will make a delicious barbecue sauce (you can use bottled if you prefer), then add chunked up chicken to the sauce and serve that over the toasted onion buns. We'll have the carrots that were cooked with the chicken and baked potatoes on the side.

MEAL #3: I'll make a delicious marinara sauce, then add cut-up cooked chicken to it & serve over spaghetti with garlic bread on the side. A great way to add flavor and nutrients to spaghetti or marinara sauce is to add finely minced carrots, celery or other vegetables to the sauce. You can saute them along with the onions, or add them straight to the sauce.

These are just a few ideas. Chicken is so versatile that there are endless ideas for using the cooked meat in meals. You could do salads, soups, casseroles and more. If you are making a soup, be sure to use the delicious broth that this creates!

I hope this gives you inspiration for dusting off your slow cooker and putting it to use... they are such a great way to save time, even if you use them for one nights' meal.

If you are interested in slow cooker recipes, check out The Slowcooker E-Cookbook here: If you are interested in chicken recipes, check out the Down Home Chicken Recipe E-book here: Get Monica's FREE weekly e-zine for homemakers! To subscribe, just send a blank e-mail to:

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When You Buy Sushi In A Restaurant, You Are Also Paying For The Experience  

When you buy sushi in a Japanese restaurant you are also buying the culinary experience. Find out in this article how to enjoy the experience even more by knowing some proper etiquette.

When you go to a Japanese restaurant you not only buy sushi, you are paying for the complete experience of eating Japanese food. This is one reason that many believe that eating sushi is really starting to become increasingly popular. However before you head out to your local restaurant you should know that there are certain dos and don't
when it comes to eating sushi. Let's go over some of the most excepted etiquette for sushi dinning.

When you first enter the restaurant you should consider where you would like to be seated. If you want to get the full interactive experience you should ask the host or hostess to seat you at the bar. This will give you the best view of the meals being prepared and you are also able to interact with the itamae which is the sushi chef. Even when sitting at the bar there are certain things that are found expectable when interacting with the itamae.

When you are ordering you only place your sushi order with the chef and all other items such as your drinks should be placed with the waiter or waitress. When you are contemplating what you would like to eat you can as the chef what he would recommend and they will usually give you great suggestions. It is considered very bad taste to ask the itamae if something is fresh. This is considered to be very insulting and if you have any doubts about the freshness of food being served you should consider eating elsewhere.

If you will frequent the restaurant often you should definitely try and establish a rapport with the itamae as they will take good care of their best cliental. The best way to establish a good relationship with the chef is to engage him or her in conversation respectfully. This means when they look extremely busy try and limit how much you distract them but when they seem to have a bit of a lull go ahead and chat it up with them. Another good way to establish a rapport with the itamae is to offer them a beer or sake, this is very acceptable.

Once you have finished your meal you should tip the chef and the waitress separately. Usually the chef will have tip jar and your tip should be place there because they work with food and will not touch money. The waiter or waitress's tip should be left normally, placed on the table. Remember that you choose to buy sushi in a restaurant to enjoy the entire experience so here are a few quick tips so you don't look to amateurish when eating your sushi.

First it is ok to eat sushi with your hands. If you are not offered a spoon with your soup do not ask for one, just lift the bowl to your mouth and use the chop sticks to guide the food to your mouth, and do not rub your chop sticks together. When you choose to buy sushi in a restaurant be prepared for a great culinary experience.

About the Author Widen your knowledge on the history of sushi at - Free information and impartial advice on sushi.

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Pregnancy Acne Treatment - Acne During Pregnancy  

During pregnancy, acne can both clear and get worse. In early pregnancy, acne often gets a bit worse but as pregnancy progresses, acne can often improve, possibly because of increased levels of oestrogen.

Pregnancy is the most crucial period in the life of a woman. Especially, the time she is pregnant for the first time, it gets too difficult for her to maintain her mental equilibrium and posture. She remains most tender; and unexplainable feelings of anxiety grip her. This is the time, when she requires understanding and sympa
hy, the most.The most unwelcome development for her during this period is sickness. She remains always doubly worried. Firstly, about her own constitution, and next, how to properly support the other growing tiny self within her! Her worry about the later aspect is much more.Is it common to be more prone to acne when you're pregnant?Pregnancy sometimes brings on acne or makes it worse. Higher levels of hormones called androgens can prompt the sebaceous glands in your skin to get bigger and boost production of an oily substance called sebum.This extra sebum, combined with the shed skin cells that line your hair follicles, blocks your pores, creating an environment in which bacteria can rapidly multiply.You can provide her with good reading material or articles on how the other women have faced similar situations in their life and how they were able to tackle it successfully.Such success stories do a lot to boost her moral courage. That is the real medication needed at this time of her life. Don't allow her heavy mood swings to overpower her. Keep her in good humor by talking to her sweet nothings and by telling her that acne is indeed a minor problem!But if the depression persists, it could be Postpartum Depression (PPD). Before it gets serious, consult a psychiatrist or a specialist.What about over-the-counter acne medicated creams and astringents?When choosing over-the-counter medicated acne cleansers and treatments, it is advised that you consult with your health care provider first. There are products that contain benzoyl peroxide, which have been recommended safe for pregnant women to use. However, there are over-the-counter medications that you may want to avoid such as products containing salicylic acids.Research has been done and top Dermatologists agree that there has been no cause found to prevent using these products to treat Acne during pregnancy. However, the main choice lies with the woman as to whether or not she feels comfortable using these products during the pregnancy period.When it comes down to it, there really is no exact safe Acne treatment during pregnancy. The best advice is to simply wash the affected area with mild soap twice per day and avoid using makeup, if possible. Just remember that it is only temporary and will go away within a few weeks of your baby being born.
About the Author Read out for Pregnancy. Check out health Insurance and stress

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10 Impressions on Online Dating  

Are you a little uncomfortable with the idea of Internet dating? Have you thought about how great it is for busy people; how convenient? Don't ever be duped by an online dating suitor. There are tales of deceit and heartbreak, don't be one of them.

1. It is easy to get involved in online dating relationships; for some it can lead to an addiction. Some find themselves enjoying the flirtatious advances of the opposite sex, both in chat rooms and with on-line dating services. People get sucked into on-line relati
nships and become addicted to the world of on-line dating and chat rooms. For some it becomes an obsession. The classic story is a person who finds himself or herself divorced after 20+ years, followed by a string of unhappy relationships, then entering a Chat Room.

2. Because there is anonymity, there is deceit and lies in chat rooms. Deception lurks around every corner. You can create a persona, quite different from yourself. You can act out a part, instead of being a real person. There are characters online ready to predate on the unwary and naive.

3. Online dating is every bit real. There is addiction, obsessiveness, vindictiveness, desperation, impulsiveness, and even downright guilt. Love is a powerful emotion. Do not follow your heart and not your head. Don't journey outside your comfort zone and be overtaken by a seductive search for true companionship.

4. Are you smart about online dating? Do you tell yourself, "I'll keep the relationship at the e-mail level before deciding to talk on the phone!" Yes, take baby steps to discover if you have a great deal in common. You can enjoy Chat Rooms, but be aware where it can lead you if you are not savvy.

5. Are you the kind of person that never thought about online dating? Did a friend convinced you to give online dating a try? You've read the success stories of how people met on the Internet: it was "a miracle" for them. Are you curious about online dating? Lots of books have been written on this subject. You must read a few if you are thinking of entering this medium.

6. For parents, know that there are millions of predators out there, so put the right safeguards in effect to protect your family. There are online safety tips that must be followed for children, not just yourself.

7. It's easy to build relationships via Chat and the Net. The attraction to online dating is how easy it is to fill out a profile and suddenly have a list of "Top 10" matches. If you're too needy, you think how close you are to long walks on the beach and even experiencing a falling star together! And for every one of the stories that you hear about meeting and dating the perfect man, there are stories of relationships that end traumatically when a date's wife answers the phone. Don't let a true life online dating experience that started in a Chat Room, end with yourself in counseling, a total wreck.

8. We live in an age of instant communication with mobile phones, sms, internet relay Chat, instant messaging, ICQ. You surf the Web and up pops a message from a potential lover. The nice thing about Internet dating is that you can do it at your own pace without taking time away from work. But don't let that rush you into anything. There are unfortunately a lot of opportunities for the unsavory members of our society.

9. Many more millions are entering online dating unarmed and this is why the reported number of dangers is increasing. Many stories of unsavory online dating liaisons are taking place. Imagine the horrible dates and unpleasant experiences that are not being reported, because people are either too embarrassed or afraid to share their online dating experiences with anyone.

10. Don't ever be duped by an online dating suitor. There are tales of deceit and heartbreak, don't be one of them.

About the Author dedicated to offering news, articles, and instruction on online dating. You have a definite choice in how you play the dating game! Visit for more information.

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