วันพุธที่ 18 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552
Quit Smoking Do Help In Having a Good Skin
We all very well know that the importance of skin is same like that of all other parts of body for example the lungs, kidneys and heart etc.
A lot of exposure to the harmful ultraviolet rays coming from the sun ca
even lead to a very serious disease called the skin cancer. Therefore it is really very much important to protect the skin from the sun. Apply sunscreen on the skin with a SPF of almost around 15 or even more then that, regardless of the weather outside. Also it has been proven that all the females who exfoliate there skin regularly have a very healthy and good-looking skin. Thus exfoliating does help a lot.
The next tip is to quit the habit of smoking. We all very well know that leaving any kind of habit is really very much difficult. But one must quit this habit of smoking to have a good skin. Smoking is very well known to accelerate the aging of the skin and also to increase the chances of having the problem of wrinkles at a very early age. It has been really proven that the habit of smoking causes the narrowing of all the blood vessels that are tiny and are present in the layer that is the outmost layer of the skin.
This leads to decrease the flow of blood and depletes the skin of nutrients and also the oxygen, such as the vitamin A that are really very much important for the good health of skin. Good nutrition also helps for sure in keeping your skin youthful looking and also a lot glowing too. Eating fresh , simple and also the foods that are unprocessed is surely a very good way to begin. Fresh vegetables and also the fresh fruits consist of significant amount of nutrients that all of us need to have good and healthy skin.
Taking enough rest is also one the beauty tips. This look very much simple but you will really be a lot surprised about how it helps in having good skin. Having rest will help to rejuvenate the skin and this adds on to your beauty.
About the author
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